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The implications of deregulation liberalization on the logistics service industry in Lao PDR?? This study analyses the development of the Lao freight logistics sector with a special focus on factors influencing freight logistics services efficiency after the processes of liberalization and deregulation of the economy. Based on empirical data, the study focuses on two main dimensions of the Lao freight logistics sector: (i) the development of a private freight logistics sector since the formulation of the New Economic Mechanism (NEM) that progressively opened the Lao economy to the world; (ii) the Lao freight logistics sectors awareness of opportunities and challenges arising from Lao PDRs participation in ASEAN, GMS and hopefully the WTO in the near future. Strategic choice for Istanbul: A domestic or international orientation for logistics??? The geographical location of Turkey in general, and Istanbul in particular, in a wider region encompassing the Black Sea, Balkans, Caucasus and Middle East provides an absolute advantage for the city to become an important international logistics node. Recent research has also identified Turkey as the fifth largest logistics market in the world. Therefore, promoting Istanbul as a logistics center of international importance has been high on the agenda of the Turkish central government, city authorities, and interest groups in recent years. To achieve this aim, local and central governments have been sponsoring new infrastructural projects to strengthen the position of the city as a world-class logistics center. However, other research has pointed to serious problems resulting from legislative shortcomings, lack of coordination among public bodies, mistakes in implementation, and insufficiencies in infrastructure and human capital. This article is based on a research project involving logistics firms in Istanbul designed to investigate the strengths and weaknesses of Istanbul in its quest to become as a logistics center


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