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New York Times China China on Track for Big Trade Surplus After Exports Surge By?NEIL GOUGH?December 09, 2013 中国出口猛增,贸易顺差有望达5年来最高 NEIL GOUGH?2013年12月09日 香港——中国政府周日公布的数据显示,上月的出口增幅高出预计。美国和欧盟的消费者需求复苏,帮助推动这个亚洲制造业大国朝着2008年之后最大年度贸易顺差的目标前进。 China’s exports of goods rose 12.7 percent in November compared with a year earlier, while imports increased 5.3 percent, resulting in a trade surplus for the month of $33.8 billion, according to data from the General Administration of Customs. 根据海关总署提供的数据,与去年同期相比,中国11月出口货物增长12.7%,进口增长5.3%,因此该月录得338亿美元的贸易顺差。 The reported export growth outpaced expectations of a 7.1 percent increase, while the increase in imports was less than the 7.2 percent economists had forecast, according to the average estimates from a survey of economists by Thomson Reuters. 公布的出口增长数据超过了外界预期的7.1%的增长,而根据汤森路透(Thomson Reuters)对经济学家的调查显示,进口增长低于经济学家平均预计的7.2%。 Analysts said that although the yearly comparison figures were partly bolstered by companies’ overinvoicing — an anomaly of Chinese trade data — the underlying export trends were encouraging. 分析师指出,同比增长数据高企,部分原因是中国公司虚开发票——这导致了中国贸易数据的不正常——但是所体现的出口趋势让人感到鼓舞。 “The year-on-year growth data overstates the actual export momentum,” Louis Kuijs, the chief China economist at the Royal Bank of Scotland in Hong Kong, wrote Sunday in a research note. “Nonetheless, there are signs that the global activity and trade cycle is gaining momentum, driven by the recovery in high-income countries, and China’s exporters are benefiting from that.” 周日,苏格兰皇家银行(Royal Bank of Scotland)驻香港的首席中国经济师高路易(Louis Kuijs)在一份研究报告中说,“同比增长数据夸大了实际出口势头。即便如此,还是有迹象表明,由于高收入国家的复苏,全球活动和贸易周期表现得越来越强劲,而中国的出口商正在从中获益。” Improving demand in the West for Chinese goods led to greater-than-expected growth in shipments to major trading partners. China’s exports to the United States rose 17.3 percent last month, while shipments to the European Union rose 18.5 percent, customs figures show. 西方对中国商品的需求有所增加,导致中国对主要贸易伙伴的货运量增长也高于预期。海关数据显示,中国对美国的出口比上月增长17.3%,对欧盟的出口上涨18.5%。 As


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