Chapter 2 Procedure of Stylistic Analysis.ppt

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Chapter 2 Procedure of Stylistic Analysis Linguistic description Textual analysis Contextual factors analysis 乞处翔缠配垂山郸惜熟恃钾鼎烤腮婆隅犯咸芳筷鹰音胶追径坏夕蒲枣捐假Chapter 2 Procedure of Stylistic AnalysisChapter 2 Procedure of Stylistic Analysis Linguistic Description Linguistic description refers to the exploration and classification of linguistic features of a given text. A linguistic feature is shown by its consistency and relative frequency. 靛掘呆焕幽矿雀秃态济橇赤汁斯扑蛰录援奶丢证决婿辆陷狈龙膘舍育涪先Chapter 2 Procedure of Stylistic AnalysisChapter 2 Procedure of Stylistic Analysis Linguistic Description The linguistic features are reflected by style markers which are linguistic items that only appear, or are most or least frequent, in a text, representing a particular variety of language or literary genre. 妈揽阶透值坑妆咬四闽玲感韩娘票愈壶搂矛执雨淮葡惺扬碱朋族碰卜馋穗Chapter 2 Procedure of Stylistic AnalysisChapter 2 Procedure of Stylistic Analysis Linguistic Description Leech and Short (1981) list four linguistic and stylistic categories when they expound (to explain sth. in detail) the methods of stylistic analysis of fiction: lexical categories, grammatical categories, figures of speech, and cohesion (the state of sticking together) and context. Style in Fiction 妓互碗普篮拜俐臻花租舀琅蔗呢插谍澄荧歌胎烘篮伊驹只政赠崭濒触糊绵Chapter 2 Procedure of Stylistic AnalysisChapter 2 Procedure of Stylistic Analysis A checklist of linguistic description The Phonological Category The Graphological Category The Lexical Category The Syntactic /Grammatical Category Semantic Category 耽器达埔窥卢尸呢近砷袭朝栖簿兽虾规叼仙连颓塞蚂趋狙碳句誉掌就畏义Chapter 2 Procedure of Stylistic AnalysisChapter 2 Procedure of Stylistic Analysis Linguistic Description Frequency and distribution of linguistic feature for quantitative analysis is the focus of the interet in linguistic observation. 1.What are the supposed levels of analysis? 1)phonetic and graphic The former--the study of the characteristics and potential utility of human vocal noise The



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