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I. 根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示, 写出该单词的正确形式。 探究点三: 1. ______ on his own experiences, his novel attracts many young people. A. Being based B. Basing C. Based D. To base 2. Firefighters were on the ________ immediately. A. scene B. scenery C. view D. sights * G6C2 3-4 ALL G5C1 Task3. 1-2 G10A2 G4C2 4 G9A1 G3C1 3 G8A2 G2C2 2 G7A1 G1C1 Task2. 1 点评 展示 内容 展示同学:要求板书规范工整,动作迅速;发言声音洪亮,表达清楚。 点评同学:由每组A层同学点评。要求声音洪亮,表达清楚,语速适 中,并对于不足之处及时补充。 其他同学:学会倾听,整理、完善答案,能够大胆质疑。 1. You should not park your car on the __________ (人行道). 2. Photography will not be _________ (允许) inside the courtroom. pavement permitted 3. The secret of a good relationship is to accept other persons’ _____ (过错), and not to try to make them change. 4. You should _____ (寻求) advice from your lawyer on this matter. 5. Spain is our favorite holiday s_____ and we all like traveling there. faults seek spot 6. He w________ around the mall for half an hour as if he had nothing else to do. 7. Her _________ (耐性) made her the best nurse in the hospital. 8. We met the officials of the __________ (大使馆) at dinner that same evening. patience wandered embassy 9. Do you permit your children ________ (smoke)? 10. Would you mind _________ (wash) the dishes tonight? I am so tired. 11. When I woke up, I found myself _____ (pull) into another room. 12. _______ (tell) you the truth, I fell asleep in the middle of the speech. to smoke washing pulled To tell 13. I only found my lost pen ___ accident. 14. He was standing there until the ship sailed out ___ the bay. by of 15. The boss once earned his living by working ____ a nurse in a hospital. as make a bet; go ahead; by accident; stare at; account for; on the contrary 1. Don’t _________ me like that. It’s not my fault anyway. 2. He could not __________ his absence from school. stare at account for Ⅱ. 用括号中所给词或短语的适当形式完成下列句子。 3. He __________ that he would win the game. 4. It doesn’t seem ugly to me


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