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Participation Changed the Organic Tea Association and SLA Could Make It Better 参与改进了有机茶农协会 可持续性生计途径可以做得更好 Context 背景 CNPAP (China-Netherlands Poverty Alleviation Project) in Huoshan County, Anhui Province. Development of Organic Tea is one of the activities. Jinzhuping Village is pilot for that. 中荷扶贫项目(安徽省霍山县),发展有机茶是项目支持的活动之一。金竹坪村是试点。 Activities in the first 2 yeas 项目前两年开展的活动: Farmers’ Field School: Training on organic tea cultivation, tea collection, etc. 农民田间学校:有机茶栽培、管理、采摘等方面的培训。 Inspectors of technology package: No application of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. 农民监管员:监督不使用化肥、农药。 Problems encountered: Limited income increase; even reduced income due to no fertilization (no enough farm manure); reluctant to apply the trained techniques. 遇到的问题:收入增加有限,甚至有所减少(因为不使用化肥,有机肥又不够);不情愿使用培训的技术。 Apply Participatory Approach to Analyse Problems and Identify Solutions 采用参与式途径研究问题、确定对策 Mid term review to analyse the problems and identify causes 中期评估分析了问题的原因: No unified quality and specification and enough scale that market required; 农户分散加工形不成市场所要求的统一质量规格和批量; It was difficult for the poor households who lack education and skill to master the trained techniques and gain benefit from it; 那些教育水平和技能低的贫困农户难以掌握所培训的技术,受益困难; The tea growers had still to spend days and nights to collect, process and sell tea, esp. women). 在名优茶生产季节,茶农、特别是妇女还得日夜辛劳,采茶、加工、到市场上销售。 Actions Taken 采取的行动 Equipped with processing machines (project assisted 50% of the investment and had it as the shares of the community of the cooperative); 添置加工机械,项目支持50%,作为股份合作中的社区股; Worked out and implemented the scheme of contract of machinery processing and management (a kind of shareholder cooperation); 形成有效的加工机械的承包经营安排; Cooperation with the county association of tea industry for marketing. 和县的茶产业协会合作,解决销售问题。 Principles Applied 采用的原则 Farm households-centred and problem-solving oriented (by having them to participating in the problem and solution analyses, more concerned with the poor households); 以农户为中心;提供参与分析、决策机会;重视贫


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