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摘 要 摘要:在当今的社会中,人性的善与恶每天都在被每一个人所演绎,爱情、亲情、友情等一系列情感将社会上每一个人都同别人联系在一起,人们相互影响,相互伴以生存,往往也会做出些不被周围人待见的事或者说出些言不由衷的话。本论文主要以电视剧《吸血鬼日记》为主线,小说《吸血鬼日记》为依据,来举例分析剧中男主人公达蒙·塞尔瓦托恶魔性格的本质所折射出的美国价值观。在这部电视剧中到处充斥着黑暗与光明,恶势力与正能量的斗争,反复循环并互为因果,剧中男女主人公的性格也都漂浮不定,其中美国价值观被诠释得淋漓精致。一个国家的价值观影响着这个国家人民的思考与行为方式。美国价值观引领着每一个美国人走向更加美好的未来,从某种程度上来讲,美国价值观就是美国梦,这个梦一直生长在每个美国人的心中,使人们为之奋斗。达蒙与人处事的恶魔方式总不被看好,可他之所以这么做的根源里处处都透露着来自于他人性的光辉。最终得出人性本善的启示。 关键词:达蒙·塞尔瓦托;恶魔;美国价值观;人性 ABSTRACT American Values Reflected from the Essence of Damon’s Diabolical Character in the Vampire Diaries Hua Lingling Abstract: Nowadays, in this society, the goodness and badness of the humanity are displayed by everyone at every day. Love, family ties and friendship relate every person to others, so people influent and live by each other. Meanwhile, they also do something which cannot be accepted by others and say something they do not mean to. This paper mainly bases on the TV series the Vampire Diaries and uses the novel the Vampire Diaries as its foundation. It uses several examples to analyze American values reflected from the essence of the protagonist Damon Salvatore’s diabolical character. This TV series is fulfilled with the conflict between darkness and brightness and the fight between evil and justice. All elements keep going and going and at the same time these are always the causes and effects of each other. With changes of these elements, heroes and heroines’ characters also keep changing. Combining with all these points, American values are perfectly displayed. One nation’s values always affect people’s thinking and behavior in this nation. American values lead every American people to a much better and brighter future. To some extent, American values are just American dreams. These dreams live in the bottom of everyone’s heart and strive everyone to fight for these. Damon’s diabolical behavior of treating people and handling affairs is not accepted by others, but the reason why he does it always shows his brillia


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