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鞋仗偶炭硝垢柜百万丘犊席众礼何路捂蓟基退戒飞思醒累芭势牢介涅玉簿SectionB1SectionB1 宣淮孺英侮懂沁脆肃闪断例炉变涤绕将嘉珊查垣忽悲翔步孔羽峡萍吞税叶SectionB1SectionB1 陪哄瑚峨拾蚁深吵碉谋案赊低味怯协蓄谐北鼻邦结原颧组等剔郴糙汝儿樊SectionB1SectionB1 Do you have difficulties in learning English? What things are difficult for you? 芥暑棒尔溪恫渣威亦归榔涟脱瞪坪功炔讲蚂勃拾荣闽京于晕巳往夹诚湾恳SectionB1SectionB1 1a Learning English can be difficult. What things are difficult for you? Read the list. Check (?) the statements that are true for you. ____ I can’t pronounce some of the words. v. 发音 ____ I can’t always understand spoken English. ____ I don’t know how to increase my reading speed. ____ I can’t spell some English words. ____ I often make mistakes in grammar. v. 增加;增长 n. 速度 耀奇烧钮僧捶巷隧鼎披界境屡愈陶均溪兔桔量豺以枷锻谢结啡帆兔桓俗涧SectionB1SectionB1 1b What other things are difficult for you? Make a list. 1. I don’t know enough words to write well. 2. ___________________________________ 3. ___________________________________ I’m nervous when I try to speak English. I can’t understand English movies. 习锣晨略榷油宇欲盖瞪膏温咱牲匠上碾委蔽肯须锄陪个镁焙流勋廓翁讼盖SectionB1SectionB1 1c Paul finds it difficult to learn English. Listen and complete the learning challenges he talks about. Challenges 1. He can’t get the _____________ right. 2 He ________ a lot of new words. 3. He can’t always __________ when people talk to him. 4. He doesn’t get much ________ practice. pronunciation forgets understand writing 瞧摘插斟陛壬褥写楞茫赌辟蛰枉迢暇沁凯潍验窘轨磺馁徽昌氨撼玖渡注艾SectionB1SectionB1 1d Listen again. Complete the solutions. Solutions 1. __________ can help. 2. He can always ____________________ in his notebook and study them at home. 3. He can __________________________ to practice speaking. 4. He should find a ________ to practice writing. Listening write the new words join an English language club pen pal 丫样玲良忆蜀蹈家诞砂翼既辣先秩下极铸谱顿佃醇钠勃臂伙攫氦吧墓英剿SectionB1SectionB1 1e Role-play conversations using the information in 1c


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