2014届高考英语模拟测试1 含答案.docVIP

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2014届高考英语模拟测试1 含答案.doc

2014届高考英语模拟测试1 一. 单项选择。 1 Thi year, ____ Chrita Day fall n____ Snday, whih i ne f the t iprtant hliday in the wrld A the; / B /; a C /;/ D the; a 【】【命题立意】【解题思路】【】’ day、Natinal day, On a ld Mnday 2 — Cld I have yelf exained firt, Dtr? —Srry! It’ nt yr_____ Pleae tay eated ntil yr nae i alled A rder B line C ffer D trn 【】【命题立意】【解题思路】’ trn “轮到某人” 【】It yr trn t d the hewrk。该你做家务了。 3 Prfer Sith aked e t g t hi ffie after la, it’ ipible fr e t ake__ t the bar at tea A it B ne C thi D that 【】【命题立意】【解题思路】【】the firt t ake it t the it f nt。他是第一个成功登上山顶的人。 4 —It ee that hi health i iprving —Ye It’ ten year______ he ________ A that; ked B ine; didn’t ke C ine; ked D befre; ked 【】【命题立意】【解题思路】It i……ine +延续性动词,表示“不做某事多长时间了” Near the fret, there wa a he, _____wner eated in it playing with hi hildren A where B it C whih D whe 【】【命题立意】【解题思路】【】。 6 My ggetin i that the prble ______in y reprt ______witht delay A referred t; be lved B hld refer t; hld be lved学科王 C referring t, hld lve D t refer t; t be lved 【】【命题立意】【解题思路】the prblethe prble的,所以refer t 用过去分词形式;ggetin的表语从句中谓语动词用(hld)d ,从句的主语the prble和lve之间是动宾关系,所以用被动语态。 【】Xia Wang' ggetin i that we(hld)play baketball after hl. 小王建议放学后打篮球Pleae refer t the tietable belw 请参考下面的课表7 It ha been _______that fr Trkih ldier were killed and a helipter wa drwned in the nflit A aed B refleted C nfired D nvined 【】【命题立意】【解题思路】【】The data nfir that thi prdt i afe and effiai 数据证实此种产品安全有效。 8 A Britih anial expert aid, “It trn t that han are _____wlve than wlve are t han being!” A h bigger threat t B a threat h bigger t C h a bigger threat t D a h bigger threat t【】【命题立意】【解题思路】a h bigger threat” 【】he danger f llape i nw a h bigger threat 坍塌的危险现在是一个更大的威胁。 9 It i____ he ften break the rle ____ake hi teaher natified with hi A whih; that B that; that C that; what D what; that 【】【命题立意】【解题


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