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目 录 会议信息 第二届数值代数和科学计算国际会议………………………………………… 2 第七届全国有限元会议………………………………………………………… 5 第六届全国现代科学计算研讨会 第三届西部地区计算数学年会 第二届海内外华人青年学者计算数学交流会(第一轮通知)………………… 7 第四届全国计算爆炸力学会议征文首轮通知 8 会议纪要 首届陕西省计算数学研究生学术论坛召开…………………………………… 9 科技要闻 华人数学家聚杭州 共迎华人数学界顶级盛会 10 第4届世界华人数学家大会召开 7华人数学家获“华人菲尔兹奖”………… 11 清华学生在世界华人数学家大会上获首届“新世界数学奖” 12 数学家丘成桐寄语青年学子:培养崇高理想抱定赤子之心………………… 13 2008年数学界迎新年茶话会在京举行………………………………………… 16 国际数学联盟将设立“陈省身奖”包括一枚奖章 和50万美元奖金,将在国际数学家大会上颁发……………………………… 18 2007年度国家最高科学技术奖颁奖…………………………………………… 18 会议信息 第二届数值代数和科学计算国际会议 南京 南京师范大学(11.2-11.5,2008) THE SECOND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NUMERICAL ALGEBRA AND SCIENTIFIC COMPUTING (NASC08) Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing November 2 (Sun.)–5 (Wed.), 2008 (First Announcement) (Webpage: /? NASC06/) NASC is an international conference organized by the Chinese numerical algebra group starting from 2006. The conference highlights recent advances in theoretical, computational and practical aspects of linear and nonlinear numerical algebra. The aim of the conference is to gather numerical algebra and scientific computing experts to exchange ideas and discuss future developments and trends of these closely related fields. The topics of NASC08 include, but are not limited to: solutions of linear and nonlinear equations; least-squares problems; computations of eigenvalue problems; parallel computations; constructions and analyses of preconditioners; methods and theories of structured matrices; and applications of numerical algebraic techniques and algorithms. An important event during the conference is the award of the Applied Numerical Algebra (ANA) Prize which is awarded to the two best papers by young Chinese scientists working on numerical algebra and scientific computing. INVITED KEYNOTE SPEAKERS: Peter Arbenz (ETH Zurich, SWITZERLAND) Rafael G. Bru, (Valencia University of Technology, SPAIN) Raymond H. Chan (Chinese University of Hong Kong, HONG KONG) Iain S. Duff (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK) (To be confirmed)


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