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牧草种子学 (Seed Science and Technology 种子科学与技术) Inner Mongolia Agricultural University Li Qingfeng 第三章 种子的形成、发育和成熟 formation, Development and maturation 种子的形成、发育和成熟 本章主要内容 Main contents: 开花、传粉和受精:前期准备 readiness for sexual reproduction; 种子发育(结实):形态发育、物质积累,生化和生理变化 morphological and physiological changes; 种子成熟 seed maturation:形态特征、生理变化; 植物生活史 life cycle 开花 flowering, anthesis 植物的花 a typical flower 禾本科植物的花 a typical flower of grasses 第一节 开花、传粉和受精(1)开花 Flowering (anthesis) 开花的必要条件 essential condition for anthesis: 性成熟 sexual maturation – 内因 internal factor; 花诱导 flowering induction – 外因 external factor (photoperiod, temperature); (juvenile stage, sexually matured, flowering induction, anthesis) 第一节 开花、传粉和受精(1)开花 Flowering (anthesis) 开花习性 flowering behaviour 开花时间/ flowering time/season; 花期flowering duration; 开花顺序 flowering sequences; 第一节 开花、传粉和受精(1)开花 Flowering (anthesis) 花期 flowering period: 个体花期 –单个花的开放期 for individual flower; 群体花期 – 整个种群开花的延续期 for the crop population; 始(初)花期 Beginning of flowering --- 5% of flowering tillers/branches; 盛花期 Peak flowering --- maximum flowering tillers/branches; 生殖器官发育 reproductive organ development 第一节 开花、传粉和受精(2)传粉 传粉 (pollination) --- transfer of pollen grain from the male part to the female part; 自花传粉 (self-pollinated); 异花传粉;(cross-pollinated) 开花、传粉和受精(2)传粉pollination 传粉介质 (pollination media ) 风媒;(wind pollinated) 虫媒;(insect pollinated) 不同植物的传粉方式; 禾本科: 豆科以及双子叶植物: 第一节 开花、传粉和受精(3)受精 受精(Fertilization) the process of male gamete joining the female gamete; 雄配子--花粉粒 male gamete--pollen grain; 花粉粒萌发 pollen grain germination; 花粉管生长 pollen tube growth; 雌配子—卵 female gamete -- egg 花粉和柱头的相互识别 recognition; 第一节 开花、传粉和受精(3)受精 双受精 (double fertilization); 精子+卵细胞 = 合子(受精卵)-- 胚(2n); 精子+极核 = 受精极核– 胚乳(3n); (sperm, male gamete, zygote); 第二节 种子的形成和发育 seed formation and development – 主要内容 形态变化 morphological change 生理变化 physiological change 种子发育的阶段性 development stage 不同部位的发育 development at different parts 2.1 种子形成后的形态变化 Morphological changes after f


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