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新一代校园网络架构的仿真与优化研究   摘 要: 信息技术日新月异,随着高校校园网出现的技术与设备老化、网络性能日益下降以及其运行过程中受到新网络安全问题不断威胁的现象,升级改造成高效、稳定、快捷的新一代校园网络架构已势在必行。要对校园网络进行整体改造,需要投入巨大的资金,所以在改造之前应该利用各种手段进行调研和分析。网络仿真技术可以对新协议进行初步实现和验证,并有利于及时调整和改进。结合网络技术和硬件产品,利用GNS3网络仿真软件对真实校园网环境进行全网仿真还原,并通过对仿真网络的测试、分析,提出新一代校园网络架构的配置优化、架构优化和安全优化的方案。   关键词: 校园网; 网络仿真; GNS3; 网络优化   中图分类号: TN926?34; TP393.18 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1004?373X(2016)14?0069?04   Simulation and optimization of a new generation campus network architecture   JIANG Jianjun1, CHEN Jingdong2   (1. School of Electronic Information, Shanghai Dianji University, Shanghai 200240, China;   2. Institute of Electrical Engineering, Shanghai University of Engineering Science, Shanghai 201620, China)   Abstract: With quick change of IT(Information Technology) advances, but the technology and equipment aging of campus network, the increasing decline of network performance, and the phenomenon of constant threat from new network security issues occurring in the course of its operation, it is imperative to upgrade and remould next?generation campus network architecture to make it efficient, stable and efficient. However, the overall transformation of a campus network needs to invest heavy funds, so all means must be used to conduct the relative research and analysis before the transformation. The network simulation technology is an ideal means to achieve the preliminary implementation and verification of a new agreement, because it is in favour of timely adjustment and improvement. In combination with the network technology and hardware products, the network simulation software GNS3 (Graphical network simulator V3.0) is adopted to restore the entire network simulation for a real campus network environment. The simulated network was tested and analyzed. According to the results, a scheme for configuration optimization, architecture optimization and security optimization of the new generation campus network is put forward in this paper.   Keywords: campus network; network simu


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