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【一个单词地道口语】Anytime! 随时吩咐!Awful! 好可怕!Crazy! 疯了! Damn! 该死的!Deal! 一言为定!Definitely! 当然了!Disgusting! 好恶心啊!Exactly! 完全正确!Freeze! 不许动!Fantastic! 妙极了!Gorgeous! 美极了!Oops! 哎哟!Bravo! 太棒了!【询问近况】1.What's up?近来可好?2.How was your day? 你今天过得怎么样?3.How's it going? 事情怎么样了?4. How have you been?最近怎么样?5.What's happening?最近在忙啥?6.What's her status? 她现在情况怎么样? 7.What's new with you?有啥新鲜事儿吗?【用于赞美的英语单词】adorable可爱的;gorgeous靓美养眼;fantastic可赞优秀;excellent出众超棒;intelligent聪明机灵;marvelous很好很强;bravo不错真好;brilliant赞绝了;glorious出色光辉;outstanding出众有才;impressive挺好;incomparable无与伦比。【 让你忍不住收藏的十首超好听的英文歌曲!】1.《Realize》2.《Amarantine》3.《I See You》4.《Day Too Soon》5.《Need You Now》6.《Stupid In Love》7.《When You are Mad》8.《The Climb》9.《You Belong With Me》10.《Welcome To My Life》【推荐10首听10秒就会喜欢上的歌曲】1、《Mars and Venus》;2、《Life is so cool》;3《never say goodbye》;4、《cinderalla》;5、《i'm gonna getcha good》;6、《Take a bow》;7、《With you》;8、《that's why》;9、《Bye byue》;10、《dilemma》。【各种“会”的表达】:1)assembly 大会 2)party 晚会, 社交性宴会 3)dance(party) / ball / fandango 舞会 4)pajama party 睡衣派对 5)buffet party 立食宴会 6)box supper 慈善餐会 7)board of directors 董事会 8)opening / closing sitting 开/闭幕会【两个单词的地道口语】1.All right. 没关系 2.You wish! 想得美!3.So what? 那又怎样? 4. No way! 没门儿!5. That’s out! 这可不行!6. Same here. 我也一样。7.no offence. 没有冒犯的意思 8.eyes front. 朝前看 9.good point!说得好 10. Got it? 明白了吗?(【认真负责】We're all just trying to do our jobs here. 我们都只不过各尽其责罢了。| I'm dead serious. 我是认真的!| We gotta be real careful here. 我们必须非常小心。| Let's bring it down to earth. 我们还是实际点吧。| I'm not playing games.我没有开玩笑。【职场实用口语】1)bite off more that soneone can chew. 超过能力所及的事情。2)figure it out弄明白/搞定它3)fill in for暂时代替4)in the black 赢利/赚钱 5)in the red亏损/赔钱 6)sleep on it 考虑一晚上 7)get the ball rolling开始(工作/任务)【询问近况】What's her status? 她现在情况怎么样?| How was your day? 你今天过得怎么样?| How's it going? 事情怎么样了?| How have you been?近来过得怎么样?| What's happening?最近在忙啥?| How are you holding up? 还撑得住吗?【Hell各种表达】1.go to hell见鬼去吧2.just for the hell of it纯粹只为好玩而已3.give sb hell让某人受罪4.hell or high water无论有什么困难5.a hell of非常6.hell to pay大麻烦7.


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