The Great Gatsby south了不起的盖茨比南.hinsdale86.pptVIP

The Great Gatsby south了不起的盖茨比南.hinsdale86.ppt

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The Great Gatsby south了不起的盖茨比南.hinsdale86

like Kant at his church steeple: Immanuel Kant (1724-1804), German philosopher, said he developed theories regarding reality morality while gazing at a church steeple outside his window. Marie Antoinette music-rooms Restoration salons: elegantly furnished rooms in period style, respectively, just before French Revolution (1789) brief restoration of monarchy (1815). Adam study: The Adams were an 18 C. family of British architects. The Adam style is extremely delicate in form color. Chartreuse: green or yellow liqueur. pompadour: style of hairdressing in which the hair is combed back to create the illusion of a puffy bump in the front. The ‘Pompadour curl’ takes its name from Madame de Pompadour, member of the French court, and the official chief mistress of Louis XV from 1745 to her death in 1764. Why is the reporter interested in Gatsby? Gatsby’s real name? Parents? Early life? Relationship w/ women in youth? What did Dan Cody have to do w/Gatsby’s life? Job? Effect on Gatsby? Ella Kay? Dan Cody=new money Classic believer in the American Dream… Hard work-mining for copper in Montana or gold in Yukon Faith in himself--Emersons Self-Reliance at work (but w/ no mention of faith in God) Luck-final element in formula for success in Amer. =Cody reaches success, but is undone by drink women Gatsby learns of this danger during 5 yrs w/Cody on yacht. Gatsby does not drink says little chooses words carefully never so much as look at a friends wife” a perfect gentleman went to Oggsford” College in England. knows how wealthy behave after 5 years w/Cody greatest importance to crime boss=has no past. …Of course, once Gatsby is openly involved w/Daisy, he is of little value to Wolfshiem What are the social implications regarding Mr. Sloane? At the party, what does Daisy tell Tom? What is Gatsby’s main concern about the party? What does Nick realize Gatsby actually wants? What is Gatsby’s response to Nick’s statement : “You can’t repeat


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