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ION2 Radio Daughter Card SEPIC Regulator Spring 2008 This document contains information regarding the design of the ION2 Radio Daughter Card regulator and board layout. Design goals, constraints, system design, and implementation are discussed. Sunnan Moinuddin 5/9/2008 Contents I Nomenclature 3 II Introduction 3 III Radio Daughter Card 4 IV Final Board Layouts 7 V Testing and Results 9 I Nomenclature EAGLE Easily Applicable Graphical Layout Editor: CAD program used for creating electrical schematics and printed circuit board layouts. RDC Radio Daughter Card PCB Printed Circuit Board SEPIC Single Ended Primary Inductor Converter II Introduction The battery voltage levels of the satellite will vary from 6V to 8.4V, therefore a buck-boost regulator was selected to efficiently create the 7.5V and 1A line needed by the radio. The buck-boost regulator has the ability to step the incoming voltage up or down, which is why it was chosen for this application. The buck-boost regulator was built using the LTC3780 switching regulator chip from Linear Technologies. The Dataradio DM-3475 is a synthesized data transceiver (transmitter and receiver) which operates in the 380-512 MHz UHF frequency range, which is being used for the ION2 satellite. Transmitter power output is 2 watts nominal, and operation is simplex or half duplex. Due to the size of the design it was impossible to fit it in the board space allotted on the radio daughter card of 1.7in x. 8in. Therefore a redesign of the regulator was required and a new chip was selected. The LTC1871 is a flyback SEPIC (single ended primary inductor converter) controller that requires very few external components. A SEPIC regulator is similar to a buck-boost converter in that is a DC-DC converter which allows the output voltage to be greater than, less than, or equal to the input voltage. However it is better than a buck-boost converter in that it has a non-inverted output, it has input/output isolation pro



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