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摘 要 本论文主要是研究管道防腐防垢技术,对国内外各自防腐防垢技术的原理以及安装方法有一个基本概述。 钢管腐蚀问题普遍存在于国民经济和国防建设的各个部门,既给国民经济带来了巨大的损失.也给生产和生活造成极大的困难。钢管在自然条件下大气天然水体、土壤或人为条件酸、碱、盐及其它介质)下,每时每刻都在发生腐蚀.一种自发进行的无谓的消耗。其根本原因钢质管道是因为处于热力学不稳定状态,在上述条件下它们就要恢复原来的相对稳定的状态.生成铁氧化物碳酸盐等.或转变为可溶性离子。这一过程就是金属的腐蚀过程。根据统计,我国钢铁年产量16亿吨.每年因腐蚀而损耗6千多万吨差不多等于上海宝钢钢铁总厂的年产量。腐蚀产物形成垢层,影响传热和介质流速传热效率降低,能耗由此大大增加,我国每年因腐蚀造成的经济损失高达2800亿元,比每年风灾,水灾、地震火灾等自然灾害的总和还要多。 ABSTRACT This thesis is to study the pipeline corrosion scaling techniques, their corrosion scaling technology at home and abroad as well as the principle of a basic overview of installation methods. Steel corrosion problems prevalent in the national economy and national defense construction in various sectors, both to the national economy has brought huge losses. But also to the production and life caused great difficulties. Pipe under natural conditions (air, natural water, soil) or man-made conditions (acid, alkali, salt and other media), the occurrence of corrosion at all times. One kind of spontaneous unnecessary consumption. The fundamental reason is because the steel pipe is thermodynamically unstable state, under the above conditions are necessary to restore the original state is relatively stable. Generate iron oxides and carbonates. Or converted into soluble ions. This process is the corrosion of metals. According to statistics, China's annual output of 160 million tons of steel. Annual loss due to corrosion, more than 6,000 tons. Shanghai Baoshan Iron and Steel Plant is almost equal to the annual production. Corrosion products formed fouling layer, affecting heat transfer and heat transfer medium flow efficiency, thereby greatly increasing energy consumption, China's annual economic losses caused by corrosion up to 280 billion yuan, compared with an annual typhoons, floods, earthquakes and other natural disasters combined fire even more. Keywords:corrosion scaling;performance comparison 目 录 前言 第一章 管道结垢的危害及其治理意义 1 1. 油田管道结垢的危害 1 2. 油田管道结垢的治理意义 2 第二章 国内外油田管道防垢研究现状 3 1. 单


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