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基于射线管材壁厚连续测量系统设计 摘 要 γ射线测厚仪在工业测量中也越来越多地发挥重要作用。γ射线测厚仪由γ放射源、探测器、信号处理电路这三部分组成。 本设计是对管材的壁厚进行连续检测,其中采用虚拟仪器对γ射线测厚仪进行控制,取代了传统的单片机控制。主要有这两方面的内容:其一、γ射线连续测厚系统的硬件设计。由于电流电离室出来的信号很微弱,需要运用信号放大电路对其进行放大后送给数据采集卡。其二、基于虚拟仪器的软件设计。其中信号的处理将采用LabVIEW来完成。主要考虑信号的滤波和放大,接着再进行标度变换,最后的管材壁厚值分别用波形图和具体数值显示。 关键词:;;-ray-based measurement system for pipe wall thickness design Abstract As a result of severe local thinning pipe pipeline would pose a threat to the safe operation, so the use of tubes, the need to regularly test the thickness of pipe. Instrument as a branch of the isotope, γ-ray thickness measurement in industry is also increasingly playing an important role. γ by γ-ray thickness gauge sources, detectors, signal processing circuit which is composed of three parts. The design of the wall thickness of pipe for continuous detection, in which the use of virtual machines on the γ-ray Thickness Gauge control to replace the traditional single-chip control. There are two aspects: first, γ-ray thickness measurement system for hardware design. As the current from the ionization chamber signal is very weak, need to use their signal amplification circuit to the data acquisition card. Second, based on virtual instrument software design. Signal processing which will be used to complete LabVIEW. The main consideration signal filtering and amplification, and then scaling to transform, the final value of the pipe wall thickness, respectively, and specific numerical waveform display. Key words: Isotope Instrumentation; γ-ray; virtual instrument; data acquisition card; 目 录 摘 要 I Abstract II 第一章 引 言 1 1.1 课题研究的背景和意义 1 1.1.1 研究背景 1 1.1.2 研究意义 1 1.2 无损检测技术 1 1.2.1 无损检测的概述 1 1.2.2 无损检测的方法 2 1.2.3 无损检测技术的发展趋势 4 1.3 管材壁厚测量的方法 4 1.3.1 射线测厚仪 4 1.3.2 超声波测厚仪 5 1.3.3 射线测厚仪 5 第二章 透射式射线测厚仪 7 2.1 射线的简述 7 2.2 射线与物质相互作用的形式 7 2.2.1 光电效应 7 2.2.2 康普顿效应 8 2.2.3 电子对效应 8 2.3 射线测厚仪 9 2.3.1 透射式射线测厚仪 9 2.3.2 散射式射线测厚仪 10 2.4 透射式射线测厚仪的组成 10 2.4.1 放射源 11 2.4.2 探测器 11 2.5 透射式射线测厚仪的工作原理 12 第三章 基于射线连续测厚系统的硬件设计 14 3.1 硬件基本结构 14


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