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摘 要 本文采用自顶向下的结构化的系统分析方法,阐述了一个功能全面的团购网站的开发过程、操作流程及其一些核心的技术。本文首先进行了项目概述,简单介绍了项目开发的背景、项目开发的目的和项目开发的意义;接下来是系统规划阶段,通过实际的业务流程调研,分析了系统的组织结构,具体完成了团购网站的需求分析、可行性分析、现行业务流程分析,并通过对现行业务流程的优化,得出了系统的业务流程;之后是系统分析,具体完成了数据流分析和数据字典;系统设计阶段主要完成了功能模块的划分、数据库的设计和系统界面设计。该阶段对各个模块的功能进行了详细设计,形成了本系统的功能模块图,在此基础上选择了合适的开发模式;数据库的设计先进行了概念结构设计,之后进行了逻辑结构设计,最后完成了数据库表的设计。 (本科毕业设计摘要可精简些) 关键词:团购;结构化分析;B/S Abstract With the social development and popularization of the Internet, modern life has been all over the network every family, buy as a form of electronic commerce is its high efficiency, low cost, and gradually become a new business model and philosophy, more number of consumers, tired of all over the streets to find the goods they need, have become accustomed to sitting in front of the computer will be able to enjoy shopping through the Internet life, so a buy website is very necessary. In this paper, top-down structured systems analysis, elaborated buy a full-featured website development process, operational processes and some of its core technology. This paper carried out the project overview, a brief background of project development, project development and project development objective of the meaning; followed by the system planning stage, the actual business processes through research and analysis of the systems organizational structure, specifically the completion of the buy the site needs analysis, feasibility analysis, the existing business process analysis, and optimization of existing business processes, business processes of the system obtained; followed by system analysis, the specific data flow analysis and complete data dictionary; system design major completion of the division of functional modules, database design and system interface design. This phase of the function of each module in detail the design, forming a functional block diagram of the system, on this basis, have chosen the right development model; database design first tested the concept design, followed by a logic



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