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基于单片机的数字温度计的设计与实现 摘要 采用单片机来对他们控制不仅具有控制方便,简单和灵活性大等优点,而且可以大幅度提高被控温度的技术指标,从而能够大大的提高产品的质量和数量。在生产过程中,为了高效地进行生产,必须对它的主要参数,如温度、压力、流量等进行有效的控制。传统的测温元件有热电偶和二电阻。而热电偶和热电阻测出的一般都是电压,再转换成对应的温度,这些方法相对比较复杂,需要比较多的外部硬件支持。我们用一种相对比较简单的方式来测量。温度范围为-55~125 oC,最高分辨率可达0.0625 oC。DS18B20可以直接读出温度值,而且采用三线制与单片机相连,减少了外部的硬件电路,具有低成本和易使用的特点。 本文介绍一种基于AT89C51单片机的一种温度测量及报警电路,该电路采用DS18B20作为温度监测元件,测量范围0℃-~+100℃,使用七级数码管LED模块显示,能设置温度报警上下限。正文着重给出了软硬件系统的各部分电路,介绍了集成温度传感器DS18B20的原理,AT89C51单片机功能和应用,该电路设计新颖、功能强大、结构简单。 关键词:温度测量;DS18B20 ; AT89C51 Design of Digital Thermomer Based on SCM ABSTRACT  Controlled by single-chip microcomputer to control not only to them, advantages of simplicity and flexibility, and can significantly increase the temperature specifications, which can significantly increase the quality and quantity of the products. In the process of production, in order to efficiently produce, it must be the main parameters, such as temperature, pressure, flow, and other effective control. Traditional temperature measuring component thermocouple and resistance. Are generally voltage of thermocouple and thermal resistance measured, then converted to the corresponding temperature, these methods are relatively complex and requires more external hardware support. We are in a relatively simple way to measure.-55~125 o c temperature range, maximum resolution up to 0.0625 oc. DS18B20 can read temperature value, and wire connected to the microcontroller, reduced external hardware circuits, low cost and ease of use features. The introduction of a cost-based AT89C51 MCU a temperatur measurement circuits, the circuits used DS18B20 high-precision temperatur sensor, measuring scope 0℃-~+100℃,can set the warning limitation, the use of Seven digital tube seven segments LED that can be display the current temperature. The paper focuses on providing a software and hardware system components circuit, introduced the theory of DS18B20, the founctions and applications of AT89C51 .This circuit design innovative, powerfu


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