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编号 淮安信息职业技术学院 毕业论文 题 目 学生姓名 许文忠 学 号 系 部 电气工程 专 业 机电一体化 班 级 429111 指导教师 龚希宾 顾问教师 揭志远 二〇一三年十月 摘 要 人们的生活离不开艺术,艺术体现了一个国家一个民族的特点,表达了人们思想情感。而喷泉在景观设计中仍然是不可或缺的,正是这些景观喷泉的设计,成为让空间环境生动起来的关键因素。由此可见,景观环境只是满足实用功能还远远不够,景观喷泉的出现,提高了整个空间环境的艺术品质,改善了城市环境的景观形象,给人们带来美的享受。 根据目前音乐喷泉的发展现状,介绍了一个以AT89S51单片机为核心的小型音乐喷泉控制系统。给出了一个简洁的单片机控制电路,分析了输出地址,描述了不同类型的输出电路和输入电路;介绍了从特定构造的喷池中获得决定喷池动作的喷池数据的原理;给出了主程序框图和看门狗子程序。采用程序控制来控制花型。音频信号还影响灯光色彩和灯光光线明暗的变化。从而使灯光色彩、灯光的闪烁和喷泉水姿随音乐节奏而变化。 关键词:音乐喷泉;单片机;单片机控制;喷池数据 ABSTRACT The life of people cannot do without art; the art reflects the characteristics of a country and nation, expression of emotion. The fountain in the landscape design is still an indispensable, it is the design of these landscape fountain, become the key factor for space environment lively. Thus, the landscape environment is just to meet the practical function is far from enough, appear landscape fountain, improves the space environment art quality, improve the city environment landscape image, give people the enjoyment of beauty. According to the current situation of the development of music fountain at present, introduces a small music fountain based on AT89S51 microcontroller as the core control system. Gives a concise analysis of the SCM control circuit, the output address, description of the output circuit and the input circuit of different types; introduced to obtain the decision principle spray pool data spray pool action from a specific structure of the spray tank; the flow diagram of main program and the Gou sequence. Program control is used to control the flower. The changes also affect the color of light and audio signal lights light intensity. Thus, the color of the light, flashing lights and water fountains and pose with the change of music rhythm. . Key Words: music fountain;SCM;SCM control;watchdog program 目 录 摘 要 I ABSTRACT 第1章 绪 论 1 1.1课题背景 1 1.2 音乐喷泉的发展和现状 1 第2章 音乐喷泉控制系统硬件设计 2 2.1 控制系统硬件总体设计方案 2 2.2音乐信号的采集 2 2.2.1 音频放大电路的设


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