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广州大学松田学院风险投资论文 题名:论风险投资在中国的发展及趋势 作者姓名: 指导教师: 学科、专业名称: 提交日期: 论文评阅人: 论文成绩: 摘 要 20世纪以来,国际交往日益频繁,全球化趋势不断加强,国际关系有了深刻的变化,在这种背景下,国家主权弱化成为不可逆转的趋势,体现在国际社会的各个方面。尤其是在国际法领域,导致了国家主权理论的发展变迁,也影响着国际私法领域的理论研究、立法方向和司法实践。“直接适用的法”是国际私法中一个较新的制度,这一制度直接反应了国家主权在国际私法中的行使,它的存在是当前国家调控政治经济的必要手段,但与国家主权弱化这一趋势之间也存在着难以消除的矛盾。为了最大程度地减小这种矛盾,实现国际秩序、国家权力和私人权利之间的利益平衡,必须在立法和司法上对“直接适用的法”进行适当的限制。文章从国家主权弱化的现状着手,阐述了国家主权弱化对国际私法造成的影响,通过对各国立法与司法实践的对比分析,和对《中华人民共和国涉外民事关系法律适用法Abstract Since the 20 century, the international relationship has been though the far-reaching alteration with increasingly frequent international communication and continuously intensive globalization. The weakening of the national sovereignty is irreversible and reflected in every respect of the international community under this background. Especially in the area of private international law, it led to the development of the theory of the national sovereignty, which also has significant influence on the theoretical research, legislation and juridical practice. The Immediately Applicable Law is the relatively new law in private international law. Which explicitly indicate the exercise of national sovereignty in private international law? It also employed by government as an indispensable approach to regulate politics and economy. However, the Immediately Applicable Law has inevitable contradiction with the tendency of the weakening of the national sovereignty. In order to minimize this conflict in a greatest extent and realize the balance of interests among the international order, state power and personal right. Appropriate restriction should be exerting by judicature and legislation. Motivated by the status quo of the weakening of the national sovereignty. This thesis firstly elaborated the effect of the weakening of the national sovereignty on the private international law. Secondly, in order to deeply discussed the development of the Immediately Applicable Law, this paper not only make a contrastive analysis abo


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