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第五节 货款的收付 一、专业术语翻译 1.Sight draft2.Applicant3.Beneficiary4.Sales proceeds 5.Documentary draft6.Commercial invoice7.Instructions to negotiating bank8.Method of reimbursement9.Export credit insurance10.Irrevocable L/C..、解释下列条款 1.Payment by letter of credit at sight. 2.Payment by D/P at sight3.The buyers shall pay against documentary draft drawn by the sellers at 30 days after date of B/L. The shipping documents are to be delivered against payment only. 4.The buyers shall pay the total value to the sellers in advance by T/T before the end of July..We hereby issue in your favour this irrevocable documentary credit which is available by payment against presentation of the following documents..We hereby add confirmation to this credit and we undertake that documents presented for payment in conformity with terms of this credit will be duly honoured on presentation..Negotiation under this credit to advising bank..This credit available with any bank by negotiation of beneficiary’s drafts at 60 days after sight drawn on us..Available by your draft at 30 days sight drawn on issuing bank, discount charges and acceptance commission are for beneficiary’s account..Usance draft to be negotiated sight basis, interest is for buyer’s account..Beneficiary’s drafts to be made out for 95% of invoice value, being the amount after deduction of 5% commission payable to credit applicant..Documents to be presented within 15 days after the date of issuance of the shipping documents but within the validity of the credit. ?? 1.在其他条件相同的前提下,(????)的远期汇票对受款人最为有利。 ???? A.出票后30天付款????B.提单签发日后30天付款? C.见票后30天付款????D.货到目的港后30天 ? 2.信用证经保兑后,保兑行(????)。 ??? ?A.只有在开证行没有能力付款时,才承担保证付款的责任 ???? B.和开证行一样,承担第一性付款责任???? C.需和开证行商议决定双方各自的责任???? ??? ?D.只有在买方没有能力付款时,才承担保证付款的责任 ?? ?3.出口人开具的汇票,如遭付款人拒付时(????)。 ???? A.开证行有权行使追索权????B.保兑行有权行使追索权 C.议付行有权行使追索权????D.付款行有权行使追索权 ?4.根据《UCPS00》的解释,信用证的第一付款人是(????)。 ??? ?A.进口人???B.开证行????C.议付行????D.通知行 ?? 5.国外开来的可撤销信用证规定,汇票的付款人为开证行,货物装船完毕,开证行没有撤销信用证,但出


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