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Chapter 6 Language and cognition (3)perspective/situatedness Diexis See examples on P145 6.3.2 categorization -the process of classifying our experiences into different catogories based on commonalities and differences Categorization refers to the process by which people use language to classify the world around and inside them. ? It is fundamental to human cognition. Basic level Superordinate level Subordinate level Chapter 6 Language and cognition 6.3.3 image schemas -a recurring,dynamic pattern of our perceptual interactions and motor programs that gives coherence and structure to our experience. A center-periphery schema A containment schema A cycle schema A force schema Chapter 6 Language and cognition (5) A link schema (6) A part-whole schema (7) A path schema (8) A scale schema (9) A verticality schema Chapter 6 Language and cognition 6.3.4 metaphor ? From rhetorical device to cognitive device ? The classical view sees metaphor as a kind of decorative in addition to ordinary language, a rhetorical device that makes language use colourful. ? Another view of metaphor, which has become more influential in the past two decades, holds that metaphors are a cognitive device. Metaphor is an essential element in our categorization of the world and our thinking process. ? Cognitive linguistics has shown that metaphor is not an unusual or deviant way of using language. The use of metaphor is not confined to literature, rhetoric and art. It is actually ubiquitous in everyday communication. Chapter 6 Language and cognition Ontological metaphor (实体隐喻) See examples on P149 Structural metaphors(结构隐喻) See examples on P149-150 Orientational metaphors (方位隐喻) See examples on P150 Chapter 6 Language and cognition 6.3.5 Metonymy A cognitive process in which the vehicle provides mental access to the target with in the same domain ICM(ideal cognitive models) Conceptual mappings Domain highlighting Three world: concept vs form vs things/events Chapter 6 Language and cognition Whol



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