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温州中小型企业融资难问题及其解决途径研究 摘 要 资金是企业运行的血液,资金能否正常的循环流通决定着企业的生存和发展,对于中小型企业众多的温州地区来说更加需要资金的支持。近年来温州中小型企业融资难的情况越发严重,该如何更好的解决这个难题成了企业生存和发展的关键。本文以温州中小型企业为研究对象,分析了融资难的主要原因在于企业、金融和政府三个层面。最后通过理论经验和实际的相结合提出相应的解决途径,分别是提高企业自身素质、完善金融体系、加强政府扶持力度和规范民间融资四个方面,从而实现温州中小型企业健康快速发展的目标。 关键字:中小企业;温州;融资现状;原因;对策 The research of financing difficult problem and solution of small and medium-sized enterprises in Wenzhou Abstract The capital is the blood of the business operation, whether the capital can circulate normally determines the survival and development of enterprises, for Wenzhou where exists many small and medium-sized enterprises needs more financial support. The financing difficulties of small and medium-sized enterprises in Wenzhou are more and more serious in recent years, how to solute this problem well has become the key of enterprises’ survival and development. This paper, taking the analysis of small and medium-sized enterprises in Wenzhou for object to research, analyzing the main causes of financing difficulties are three levels at enterprise, finance and government. Finally, putting forward the corresponding countermeasures by combining theoretical experience with actuality to achieve the goal of healthy and rapid development of small and medium-sized enterprises in Wenzhou is four areas: improving the quality of private enterprises, reforming the financial system, strengthening the support from the government, standarding private financial. Key words : small and medium-sized enterprises; Wenzhou; financing status; cause; countermeasure 目 录 1绪 论 1 1.1 研究背景 1 1.2 研究目的和意义 1 1.3 文章框架 1 2温州中小型企业融资现状分析 2 2.1融资成本分析 2 2.2主要融资渠道分析 3 3温州中小型企业融资难的原因分析 5 3.1温州中小型企业自身素质不高 5 3.1.1温州中小型企业经营稳定性差,信用观念缺失 5 3.1.2 温州中小型企业管理制度不完善 6 3.1.3温州中小型企业经营风险大,担保能力不足 6 3.2金融体系的不健全 7 3.2.1 缺乏为中小型企业服务的金融机构和担保体系 7 3.2.2 银行对中小型企业的融资要求较高 7 3.3政府支持力度不够 8 3.3.1中小型企业的相关法律政策不够完善 8 3.3.2政府长期的国营主导观念没有根本改变 8 3.4温州民间融资成本高,风险大 9 4温州中小型企业解决融资难问题的


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