The cold war介绍.ppt

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The cold war介绍

The cold war How did the Cold War begin? What role did the US play in this? 徐诗娟 蔡爽 黄紫薇 The beginning of the Cold War The united States not only emerged unscathed but also became the strongest country in the world . As the sole possessor of atomic bombs, with over 70% of the gold reserve of the world in its coffers and over50% of industrial production of the world in its hand, the planners of the United States were visualizing a Pax Americana. The Arms Race The containment policy United states put into effect the containment policy In late1940s The influence of the containment policy In Europe,on August13,1961,East German government built a concrete wall, separating east and west Berlin.This wall became the symbol of the Cold War. During the Cold War period ,the United States and Soviet Union were on the brink of a nuclear war . In 1962 the Cuba Missile Crisis * * C They wanted a world order dominated by the United States,a world market which was free and open to American goods and services and more and more countries modeling on American instuition and values. The Soveit Union suffered great losses in the war. Over 27million people were killed in the war and over 31 thousand of factories were destroyed . At such cost ,it wanted to keep what it had got in the war, a sphere of influence agreed on by the United States and Britain at Yalta. The Soviet Union would not allow any country to project its influence into the area under its control Gradually, the United States and the Soviet Union , the two wartime allies, fell apart and the Cold War began to unfold in Europe. Ronald Reagan initiated the Star Wars project 1980s Launched two sputniks into the orbit Stepped up research and production of nuclear weapons and the carrying vehicles 1957—1980 Donated its first atomic device in 1949 First test of the hydrogen bomb in1952 1949—1953 Soviet Union United States In 1948 president Truman put forward the Truman Doctrine It woul


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