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Amazing Science教学课件11

* universe We begin to plumb(探索)the mysteries(奥秘)of the universe. [ju:niv?:s] ? n. 宇宙 冥王星(Pluto) 水星(Mercury) 金星(Venus) 地球(Earth) 火星(Mars) 木星(Jupiter) 土星(Saturn) 天王星(Uranus) 海王星(Neptune) 慧星(Comet) Do you know their names? beyond [bi‘j?nd] The level of inflation(通货膨胀率) has gone beyond 8%. I?know?nothing?beyond?what?he?told?me.?? Is?there?anything?more?you?can?say?beyond?that? (1).表位置,“在……的那一边;在……之外;在更远处”。 Beyond the river stood a power station. (2).表时间,“迟于;超过”。 ?Dont stay out beyond ten oclock. (3).表范围、水平、限度、能力等,意思是“超出;多于;为……所不能及”。 ?She was really touched beyond words. ?(4).用在否定和疑问句中,“除……之外”。 ?(5).有时表年龄或数量,意思是“超过”。 At the meeting there were not beyond 20 people. prep. 超出;越过 ?(1).指时空或正在进行中的活动,“在远处;向远处;更远处”。 ??(2).表外加,“此外;以外”。 ?If we cross the mountains we may find people living in the valley beyond. He told me nothing beyond. ?(1).指“远处的东西”。 ?That is a river for small boats extending 30 miles back into the ?beyond. (2).表示超出普通经验范围的某种事物。 ?????What can we poor human beings know of the great beyond? (3).表示远处的性质或状态。 ???? His dream of beyond was forgotten in the actual ?life. n. 远处 adv. 在更远处 separate [‘sep?reit] ? adj. 分开的,各自的,单独的;v. 分开,隔开,分居 Separate - Cutting Boards zxxk Raw meat being cubed on one cutting board, vegetables sliced on another cutting board. 1. The war separated many families. 2. The farmer separated two fields by a fence. 3. He tries to separate an apple into three. 1. We separated at the airport. 2. Nothing can make him separate from his parents. 2. Keep these separate from those. vt. vi. adj. 1. This word has three separate meanings. Understand the following sentences. hand in hand hand up hand out hand in 1a Read and understand Read the passage and choose the best title. 1. Is There Life out There? 2. Our Planet 3. The Stars at Night 影片 Listen 1a and answer the questions. 1. Have the scientists found life on other planets? 2. How many planets go around the sun? 3. What’s called the solar system? 4. Some spaceship



