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Amazing Science教学课件6

Unit 4 Amazing Science Topic 2 When was it invented? Amazing Science Would you like to say something about them ? Computer Invent/in America/in 1946 Shenzhou Ⅵ Launch /in China/in 2005 Cloning Experiment/Dolly/DNA Look and understand 录音 Robots —Our Servants in the Future? Hello! We are your friends. We can help you do dangerous and difficult work. Have you ever seen a robot? Would you like to describe it for us? 1.Do you think that robots will be part of our lives in the future? 2.Robots are meant to be our servants, aren’t they? 3.Do you think robots can think or act for themselves? 4.Why does the title have a question mark? Read the passage and discuss the questions with your partner. Find and circle the words in 1a according to the following meanings, then write them down. 1. to tell somebody that something bad or dangerous may happen so that they can prevent it ( ) 2. to make something happen or appear(   ) 3. a person who is paid to do house work for a family (   ) 4. sure and confident, without any doubts(   ) 5. to behave in a special way towards somebody or something ( ) zxxk warn cause servant certain treat 1. No one knows for certain.没有人确切地知道。 no one 与none 探究学习 a. no one 用来指人,其后不能接of 短语,用做主语时,谓语动词用单数。 No one likes a person with bad manners. b. none 既能指人又能指物,其后可以接of 短语,当of后是可数名词复数时,谓语动词用单、复数均可。 None of the students is /are in the classroom. c. 特别注意: ① —— How many people are there in that room? —— None. ② —— Who is in that room now? —— No one. —— How much will the car cost? —— I can’t say for certain. for certain 确切地 2. all the time =always 一直,总是 3. be surprised at /by…对…… 感到惊讶 be surprised to do sth. 4.Once robots can think for themselves, problems may appear. once 在这用作连词,意为“一旦……就……”,引导时间状语从句。 think for oneself 独立思考 探究学习 The boy listened to the radio all the time. The foreign visitors were surprised at the great wonders. I was surprised to hear I had passed the exam. Once



