Amazing Science教学课件5.pptVIP

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Amazing Science教学课件5

Unit 4 Amazing Science Topic 2 When was it invented? Great inventions make our life colorful! Please choose one to talk about. English Learning Machine/ Around 2005/ Beijing Ren’ai Education Institute /learn Englishzxxk digital camera/1975 /America/ take photos MP3 player/1998 /Korea/listen to music mobile phone/1973/ America/communicate easily Science make our world wonderful! Michael, Jane and their classmates are visiting the Science Museum. Look, a light bulb! When was it invented? Who was the inventor? Listen and answer the questions. In 1987, by Thomas Edison (录音) Read 1a and fill out the table. Invention Inventor Year Light bulb Guglielmo Marconi 1903 Radio Airplane Thomas Edison Wilbur and Orville Wright 1879 1895 重点词(组)和句型 our daily life in our everyday life 2.invent v. inventor n. invention n. The inventors invented many great inventions. 3.It’s said/reported that-clause. 4.during one’s life in one’s life invent /America/in 1946 A: Where were computers invented? B: They were invented in America. A: When were computers invented. B: They were invented in 1946. Look and talk about the picture. Pair work. Make up dialogs after the example. ShenzhouⅦ lauch /in China/in 2008 Pirates of the Caribbean direct/by Gore Verbinski/in 2006 laptop invent/in Japan/ in 1985 Know something about science. Cloning----- a famous experiment the cloned sheep--- was created in Scotland a few years ago. the cloned mice the cloned cows the cloned pigs the cloned animals Listen and answer the questions. 1.What’s the name of the cloned sheep? Dolly. 2.What animals have the scientists cloned now? Sheep, rabbits, cows, mice, pigs and some other animals. 3.What is used in cloning? DNA. 4.Is your DNA similar to your parents’? Yes, it is. 5.What does the writer want to clone? What do you want to clone ?Why? (录音) 3b Grou



