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Art world教学课件5

Integrated skills concert country cowboy guitar lasting value n. 音乐会 n. 乡下,乡村 n. 牛仔 n. 吉他 adj. 持久的 n. 价值 Words review African American tonight country music African American make up local colour adj. 非洲(人)的 n. 美国人 adv. 今晚 n. 乡村音乐 n. (非洲裔)美国黑人 编,编造 n. 地方特色 Words review To understand introduction to the music show during the art festival To learn to finish the diary of a music show To learn to write an invitation Objectives There are many famous art festivals around the world. People can enjoy different art forms at the art festivals. Do you know the art festivals below? 爱丁堡艺术节 Edinburgh Art Festival 奥林匹克艺术节 Olympic Arts Festival 澳门艺术节 Macau Arts Festival 美国青少年艺术节 USA Youth Arts Festival 林肯中心艺术节 Lincoln Center for the Arts Festival There will be a music show during the art festival. Listen to Mr Wu talking about the concerts for the show. Listen to the pieces of music. country music folk jazz rock classical music What kind of music do you prefer? Finish A2 on page 73. We have learnt a lot about different art forms. painting music dance drama film photography What kind of art forms do you like? Sandy is inviting her friend Janice to a concert. Listen to the conversation. Answer the questions. 1. What kind of concert is it? 2. When does it start? 3. Where is it held? 4. Where will they meet? 5. When will they meet? 1. What kind of concert is it? It is a classical music concert. 2. When does it start? At 7 p.m. 3. Where is it held? At Sunshine Theatre. 4. Where will they meet? At the gate of the theatre. 5. When will they meet? At 6:50 p.m. 1. Role play the conversation in groups; 2. Role play the conversation in front of the class Let’s see which group does the best. 模仿B部分新编对话,邀请其他学生参加某项活动。 To learn to guess the meaning of a word from the context Do you often read English newspapers or novels? What do you do when you come cross a new word? Do you look it up in the dictionary or just guess its meaning? Sometimes we can guess the meaning of a new




