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Creating Better Harmony by Understanding?unity?in Graphic Design 了解统一性,提高平面设计的整体协调感 小编的话:快到周末了呀,蛮牛们是否迎来两天假期了啊?(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……我发了一篇较轻松的文章,让大家好好读下啊。这篇文章讲的是通过选取相同颜色、相似的图形、重复、相邻的效果等等方法,来提高平面设计的整体协调感。感觉有点儿偏美工,不过大家也可以认真读下啊,原文写的真的挺棒! ? ?? ? In any design you create, whether it’s a logo or a brochure, needs to have strong unity. The elements of your design should fit together and feel like they all belong. All the other graphic design principles should work together to try and create a unified piece. ? ?? ???你所创造的任何一个设计作品,不论它是一个商标还是一本宣传册,都需要有很强的统一性。你的设计作品中涵盖的素材应该协调一致,而且有必不可少的感觉。平面设计的其他所有准则,都应当去遵循这一宗旨,试图开发一份具有统一性的作品。 ? ?? ???This article will give you a stronger understanding of how unity can apply to every graphic design project you work on, so you can establish better unity in your next design. ? ?? ???阅读这篇文章,你会清楚地明白,统一性是怎么运用到,你所进行的每项平面设计作品中去的。因此,你能够在你的下个作品中,更好地去运用统一性。 Why is Unity Important? 为什么统一性如此重要? ? ?? ? If your design isn’t unified, then it’s disjointed. The ultimate goal in graphic design is to communicate a message so if you don’t have strong unity in your design then the communication is hindered. No matter how beautiful your graphics are, if there’s not some type of unity bringing them together then the design will ultimately fail in its goal. ? ?? ???如果你的设计没有统一性,那就会变得散乱。平面设计的最终目的就是沟通信息,因此,如果你的设计不具备很强的统一性,那么信息的的交流就会受到阻碍。不论你的平面设计有多么美,如果你的设计无法很好地融入统一性,最终也不会设计出好作品,并达到目标。 ? ?? ? Unity ties all the elements in your design together making it feel complete like each element in your design should belong there. You never want to have a design that has no real focus with elements placed randomly. ? ?? ???统一性将设计中的元素结合在一起,使得作品完整,就像是每个元素都在作品中有一席之地,不可或缺一样。你可不想要一个素材散漫编排,缺乏重心的设计作品。 ? ?? ???You can think of unity in graphic design as a type of branding, something instantly recognizable. Companies often use color to unify every element of their business, whether it’s for the logo, website or even in the store.Target is a great example of this because they use the color red f


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