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我国改革开放三十年来取得了世人瞩目的成绩,特别是以劳动力成本优势为依托的对外贸易对我国经济增长起到重要的推动作用。但是从长远看,特别是这次金融危机引发的全球性经济衰退,影响到我国对外贸易的持续增长,出现了很多现实问题。如贸易结构存在严重倾斜,在高、中、低产品贸易层次中没有形成合理、均衡的结构,与主要贸易国的贸易摩擦加剧,国际贸易保护主义进一步抬头等。如何在新形势下继续保持我国对外贸易的国际地位,对我国对外贸易政策的引导带来了新的挑战。 Chinas reform and opening up the notable achievements have been in 30 years, in particular based on labour cost advantages of foreign trade on Chinas economic growth to play an important role in promoting. But in the long term, in particular the financial crisis triggered by the global economic recession impact on Chinas foreign trade continued to grow, there have been many practical problems. Such as trade structure has a serious tilt at the level of High, Medium, and low product trade of no formation in a reasonable and balanced structure, heightened trade friction with the major trading nations, such as international trade protectionism further rise. How to maintain the international status of Chinas foreign trade under the new situation, guide to Chinas foreign trade policy has brought new challenges.   ?   一、国际贸易政策理论与现实International trade policy theory and practice?   ?   国际贸易发展的历史,可以说是自由贸易和保护贸易交替发展的历史。一国不同时期采用的贸易政策,往往取决于其经济发展水平和所处的国际经济环境和政府的政策目标:当一个国家经济稳定增长,贸易交换的商品具有比较优势,并对经济发展起促进作用时,就会倡导自由贸易政策;而当一个国家在国际上的分工地位及其利益与工业化发展之间出现矛盾时,必然转向保护贸易。? Historical Development of International Trade, can be described as free trade and protection of the trade development of alternate history. A country different period use trade policy, often depends on the its economic development level and international economic environment and the government policy target : A Countries economic stability growth, trade exchange goods with comparison advantage, and to economic development up promote role, will advocate free trade policy ; a countries in international division of status and interest and industrialized development appear contradiction, must steering protection trade.   自由贸易政策主要基于传统的比较利益理论,并随着世界经济和国际市场供求关系的不断深化发展和层次上的变化而产生了新的理论基础。如从需求角度解释贸易发生的重叠需求理论,从供给角度的规模经济、差


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