2- top ten words.ppt

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2- top ten words

TOP TEN WORDS Concerns over the environment and terrorism have not only affected how people lived in the past decade but also their language, with global warming and 9/11 topping a list of the most used words of the 2000s. 过去十年,对于环境问题和恐怖主义的担忧不仅影响了人们的生活,而且还影响了我们的语言。从2000年至今,“全球变暖”和“9?11”成为全世界使用频率最高的词语。 The Global Language Monitor, which uses a math formula to track the frequency of words and phrases in print and electronic media, said Obama came third in the list with the surname of U.S. President Barack Obama used as the stem for other words. 据全球语言监测机构介绍,美国总统巴拉克·奥巴马的姓氏“奥巴马”的使用频率高居第三,同时这个名字还派生出了很多其它词语。全球语言监测机构使用一种数学模型来追踪词和短语在纸质和电子媒体中出现的频率。 Bailout was listed fourth after the bank bailout was one of the first acts of the financial crisis, evacuee came fifth in the wake of Hurricane Katrina devastating New Orleans, and derivative featured sixth. “援助”位居第四,这个词指的是金融危机发生后各国对银行实施救援的第一反应;“疏散者”名列第五,该词与新奥尔良遭遇的卡特里娜飓风有关;“金融衍生产品”位居第六。 Google, surge, Chinglish meaning a hybrid of Chinese and English, and tsunami, after the 2004 Asian disaster that left 230,000 people dead or missing,followed. 排在其后的词语包括“谷歌”、“增兵”、中英杂交式英语“中式英语”以及2004年发生于亚洲的“海啸”,这场灾难导致23万人死亡或失踪。 Looking at the first decade of the 21st century in words is a sober, even somber, event, said Paul JJ Payack, president of The Global Language Monitor. 全球语言监测机构的主席保罗?JJ?帕亚克说:“用词语来回顾21世纪的第一个十年,感觉很黯淡甚至有些阴郁。” For a decade that began with such joy and hope, the words chosen depict a far more complicated and in many ways, tragic time. Nevertheless, signs of hope and renewal can be found in the overall lists.“ “新世纪刚开始时,世界充满了快乐和希望,但十年后的今天,上榜的这些词汇描绘了一个更为复杂、在很多方面带有悲剧意味的时代。尽管如此,与希望和复兴有关的词语还是能在整个榜单中找到的。” Payack said the top phrase of the decade was climate change followed by financial tsunami and Ground Zero.“ 帕亚克说,过去十年出现频率最高的短语是“气候变化”,“金融风暴”和“世贸大厦遗址”位居其后。 Technologys impact on the past decade was reflected in the list with Twitter, the micro-blogging site, one of the most used words while blog and texting featured on th


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