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摘 要 有限元分析法的横空出世对全球都有着举足轻重般的作用,有限元分析法中的力学分析非常的逼真和严谨,也乐于被科学家们拿来用作于各种分析仿真实验。冲压模具设计的时候如果能把有限元仿真的方法融入其中对它的帮助是非常可观的,它在产品设计过程对于缩短生产年限,减少实验重复过程,提高经济利润有着非常显著的效果。本论文开篇简单了解了一下在板料冲压成型仿真科学发展的潮流,主要工作是在研究板料材质性能模拟这一块进行分析说明,并对实验过程中遇到的困惑和步骤进行详细的表述和应对。介绍了ansys仿真方案的选择过程,并对选择壳单元类型、模型参数大小和材料结构模型方面进行了深究,并结合盒形件实例对形变、冲压等典型案例进行了有限元仿真,期间出现了冲压成形所发生的特色和规律,详细的讨论了应力形变的走向趋势,更是制定了有限元仿真的冲压成型方面的一些方法。设计有限元方法时通过查询修改了一些老版冲压工艺参数,利用ansys对每一种方法都进行了尝试性的分析了解,通过有限元仿真技术高效且真实的模拟出盒形件冲压成型的过程,完美的表现出本论文ANSYS仿真全过程。 关键词:ANSYS LS-DYNA;盒形件;有限元分析法;冲压成型CAE Abstract Fnite element method has been widely used in the production,the finite element analysis method is a kind of commonly used mechanical analysis method.。the development of the finite element analysis method is very rapidly。In the process of mechanical analysis of stamping application finite element simulation method is to improve the design ability of stamping forming is one of the important means,It is in the product design process to shorten the production period,reducing test times and the cost of product。The main work is to study the material properties of the material simulation of this piece of analysis and description, and the experimental process of the confusion and steps to carry out a detailed presentation and response。Introduces ANSYS simulation scheme and the selection process,and the bottom of shell element type choice, model parameter size and material structure model, and combined with the box shaped case finite element simulation of a typical case of deformation,stamping,occurred during the stamping forming the characteristics and rules,detailed discussed should be the trend of the deformation force,is to develop a finite element simulation of stamping forming。Design finite element method by querying the modified some of the old version of the stamping process parameters,using ANSYS to each method tried the analysis to understand, through the technique of finite element simulation,and the real simulation box shaped stamping forming process,perfec


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