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Sydney City Penthouse Landscape Architect Matthew Cantwell Firm Secret Gardens of Sydney Location Sydney, Australia Photographer Peter Brennan 悉尼城市阁楼庭园 204 Spanning three levels the outdoor terraces were unattractive and not being used when Secret Gardens of Sydney was briefed. The client was unable to access the external top entertaining level from his apartment, he had to leave his apartment and go through the fire escape. This level had no connection to the other external outdoor areas or the apartment. With stringent building codes on what the designers could and could not do, Secret Gardens worked with the building management to ensure that the design and construction could meet the client’s brief. Everything on site had to be brought up in a lift so the design had to cater for this. Secret Gardens design was structured around a floating structure and is modular, each piece 2m by 2m. They were not allowed to fix anything to the building structure. This allows them to pick the entire garden up and move it. On the middle level a peaceful garden was created off the client’s study and bedroom complete with water ponds, fish and bridges to connect it all to the seating areas. The planting is striking and cloud pruning enhances the structural form of the plants. A spiral staircase was constructed on site to connect the two main garden levels, the middle and top external levels and allow the client to access his top level garden without using the fire escape. The top level was designed and built to be the entertaining area with outdoor lounges and shade structure, hot tub and deck area for sun lounges. This is a perfect place to invite friends over for New Year’s Eve for a perfect view of Sydney fireworks. The plant beds created around the ponds and which cover most of the second terrace level were less than 300mm so drainage cell was used in the planters to create a cavity for waterflow. 205 206 207 208 209 210 悉尼的 Secret Gardens 景观设计事务所接手 该项目之前


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