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Servodrives and servomotors Lexium 15 Perhaps a little too smart! Intelligent and Compact, the new range of Lexium 15 servodrives simplifie your automation architectures. Its control and precision capabilities enable you to obtain the best from your machines. Lexium 15 servodrives are dedicated to the control of torque, speed and position of BDH and BSH servomotors. These servodrive units are designed for high performance applications, which require strong dynamics and high precision monitoring. They integrate perfectly in your special or catalogued, compact or modular, machines. Lexium 15 Simply Smart! Leverage ingenuity and intelligence for ease of use Be guided by the choice and performance of Lexium 15… ...and concentrate on what you master best... ...your expertise Adaptable without compromise! Lexium 15 LP (Low Power): b From 0.9 kW to 4.3 kW. b 1.5 A / 3 A and 6 A on 3-phase 200 V to 480 V. b 3 A / 6 A and 10 A on 1-phase or 3-phase 230 V. b 200 programmable motion tasks. Lexium 15 MP (Medium Power): b From 5.7 to 11.4 kW. b 10 A / 14 A and 20 A on 3-phase 200 V to 480 V. b 180 programmable motion tasks. Lexium 15 HP (High Power): b From 22.3 to 42.5 kW. b 40 A / 70 A on 3-phase 200 V to 480 V. b 180 programmable motion tasks. Lexium 15, comprising 3 servodrive models, is suited to all your needs. Lexium 15 b From 0.9 kW to 42.5 kW. b 4 configurable logic inputs and 2 configurable logic outputs, extendable using option cards b 2 analog inputs. b Integrated position indexer. b 8 operating modes as standard. b Integral EMC filter and braking resistors. BSH servomotors: The most dynamic of their generation! b Nominal speed from 1250 rpm to 8000 rpm. b Nominal torque from 0.5 Nm to 90 Nm. b SinCos high resolution encoder interface (Hiperface?): v Single turn, v Multiturn (up to 4096 turns). b Degree of protection IP40 or IP65. b With or without holding brake. b Straight or right-angled connectors. b Smooth or key shaft. BDH servomotors: Technology with comp


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