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On behalf of the government of Taiwan, we sincerely welcome you to work in Taiwan. In order to help you understand rules and regulations concerning working in Taiwan, please read the primer carefully and keep it with you for future reference. 代表我國政府誠摯歡迎您來台灣工作!為協助您了解在台灣工作期間相關規定,以保護自身權益,請詳細閱讀本資料,並妥善保存,以便查詢。 ◎What You Need to Do upon Issuance of Work Permit 取得聘僱許可後應辦事項 VISA 簽證 If you were approved to issue a work permit by the Council of Labor Affairs (CLA), you need to apply for a visa through Taiwan’s representative office stationed in your country; or if you are already in Taiwan, you need to apply for a status change of visa through Bureau of Consular Affairs. Working hours of BOCA: Monday through Friday, 8:30 am to 5:00 pm (open for noon, closed on Saturday, Sunday and national holidays). Please check related information at the website .tw. *The duration of stay of Visa-Exempt Entries and Landing Visas for Foreigners is 30 days. The duration of stay starts from the next day of arrival and is not extendable. Visa-Exempt Entries and Landing Visas cannot be transferred into visitor visas or resident visas within ROC. 若您已經獲得勞工委員會核發聘僱許可,應於入國工作前至我國駐外單位辦理簽證;若您已先行入國,應向外交部各地領事事務局辦事處換發簽證。領務局辦公時間:週一至週五08:30-17:00(中午不休息,週六、週日及國定假日不上班) *外國人免簽證及落地簽證停留期限為30天,自抵達翌日起算期滿不得延期及改發停留簽證或居留簽證。.tw Address: 3~5 Fl., 2-2 Chi-Nan Rd., Sec. 1, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC 臺北市濟南路一段2之2號中央聯合辦公大樓3樓 Phone No.:(02)2343-2888 (Kaohsiung Office 高雄辦事處 Address: 2 Fl., 436 Cheng Gung 1st Rd., Kaohsiung City, Taiwan, ROC 高雄市成功一路436號2樓You need to apply for an alien residence Certificate within 15 days upon arrival. Please bring necessary documents to apply to the Foreign Affairs Division of your local police authority. (Tainan City Police Bureau 台南市警察局 Address: No.37, Nanmen Rd., West Central District, Tainan City 700, Taiwan, ROC. 台南市中西區南門路37號hone No.: (06)223-1101 Taxable Income, Tax Deduction and Tax Refund薪資所得與扣稅、退稅 If you worked in Taiwan for less than 183 days in one fiscal year (J


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