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引言 1 1材料与方法 2 1.1材料 2 1.1.1实验材料 2 1.1.2试剂 2 1.1.3仪器 3 1.2方法 3 1.2.1电感耦合等离子体质谱仪原理 3 1.2.2 3 1.3标准溶液的选择与配置 4 1.4 ICP-MS分析条件 4 1.5样品前处理 4 1.6样品测定 4 1.6.1电感耦合等离子体质谱仪测定 4 1.6.2凯氏氮的测定 4 1.6.3pH的测定 5 2结果与 5 3讨论与 7 参考文献 8 10 过期国产护肤水做水溶肥料的可行性初探 摘要:本次主要研究护肤水过期后能否作为一种新型水溶肥料再次利用。运用微波消解-ICP-MS法同时测定护肤水中水所含P、K、Cu、Fe、Zn、Mn、B、Cr、As、Mo、Cd、Hg和Pb 13Overdue domestic skin water to do the feasibility of water soluble fertilizer ?Abtract : The study focuses on whether the overdue toner can be recycled as new-type Water Souble Fertilizer. We measure the ratio of P, K, Cu, Fe, Zn, Mn, B, Cr, As, Mo, Cd, Hg and Pb by using microwave digestion, ICP-MS and , we also measure the ratio of Kjeldahl nitrogen in toner by adopting ?kjeldahl?determination. The experiment shows that the sum of Kjeldahl nitrogen, P, and K in the toner we chooses in the experiment is less than 500g/l. The ratio of Cu , Fe, Zn, Mn, B and Mo in different toners is less than that in blank group, the total ratio of Cu ,Fe, Zn, Mn, B and Mo in different toners is less than 2g/l and the ratio of Mo is not more than 5g/l. The heavy metal in the toner does not exceed燾ertain爈imits and PH is reasonable. Although the toner, whose 爉acroelement and the micronutrient can not meet the requirement of Water Souble Fertilizer, it can be still used to water flowers. As the toner, whose total chemical elements are low, it can be used as爏olvent of Water Souble Fertilizer. The thesis aims to enhance the overall utilization of toner by feasibility studies of homemade toner being used as Water Souble Fertilizer. Key words: domestic skin water; Elements; Water soluble fertilizer; Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer. 引言 随着经济全球化发展,国与国之间的商业壁垒逐渐被打破,中国市场经济飞速发展,人们的生活水平不断提高,生活质量更是一个质的飞跃[1]。女人爱美乃天性使然。现代社会中护肤品、化妆品等众多的美容产品已经成为了人们日常生活中不可或缺的生活用品[2]。而众所周知,护肤品、化妆品等美容产品是具有一定的保质期。一旦过了保质期,护肤品的使用价值就会大打折扣,甚至可能达不到护理肌肤的效果,反而对肌肤造成一定的伤害。护肤产品一般来说最好在3个月至半年内使用完,无论多么昂贵的产品,一旦开封使用之后发现产品出现异状,例如出现奇怪的味道或者油水分离的现状等,这就代表产品已经出现变质的情况,所以为了自己的肌肤,我们只能不再使用那些已经变质


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