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Acronyms 全文 中文 FID Final investment decision 最终投资决议 LNG Liquid Natural Gas CSG Coal Seam Gas 煤层气 UCG Underground Coal Gasification WI Working Interest GCA Gaffney Cline and Associates GCoS Geological Chance of Success MMbbl 百万桶 GSAs Gas Supply Agreements 天然气供气合同 GTAs Gas Transport Agreements 天然气运输合同 ACCC The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission 澳洲竞争与消费者委员会 AEMO Australian Energy Market Operator 澳洲能源市场运营机构 DFA Delivered at frontier 边境交货 DES Delivered ex ship 目的港船上交货 DEQ Delivered ex quay 目的港码头交货 FOB Free on board 装运港船上交货 ASX Australian Stock Exchange 澳洲证券交易所 ROE Return on equity 股东权益回报率 Commerce Act 商业法 Next best alternative 除了最优选择之外的第二选择 Next best sales alternative 除了最高销量产品之外的第二选择 Pipeline operators 管道运营商 Shippers 发货人 consignee 收货人 Joint Ventures 合资公司 1C表示条件潜在储量的低估算量方案。? 2C表示条件潜在储量的最佳估算量方案。? 3C表示条件潜在储量的高估算量方案。? 1P等同于证实储量;表示储量的低估算量方案。? 2P等同于证实储量与可能储量的和;表示储量的最佳估算量方案。? 3P等同于证实储量加上可能储量加上潜在(可采)储量的和;表示储量的高估算量方案。? Reserves: Quantities of natural gas expected to be commercially recoverable from a given date under defined conditions. 1P (proved) reserves: Commercially recoverable reserves with at least a 90 per cent probability that the quantities recovered will equal or exceed the estimated amount. 2P (proved and probable) reserves: Commercially recoverable reserves with at least a?50 per cent probability that the quantities recovered will equal or exceed the estimated amount. 3P (proved and probable and possible) reserves: Commercially recoverable reserves with at least a 10 per cent probability that the quantities recovered will equal or exceed the estimated amount. Contingent resources: Contingent resources are quantities of natural gas estimated to be potentially recoverable from known accumulations but are not yet considered able to be developed commercially due to one or more contingencies. Contingent resources may include gas accumulations for which there are currently no viable markets, where commercial recovery is dependent on technology under develop


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