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本 科 毕 业 论 文 题 目金融危机背景下台州中小企业融资现状及对策研究 学 院 经贸管理学院 [摘要]中小企业在台州经济社会发展中发挥着不可替代的作用,却处于融资弱势的不对称地位,融资约束已成为制约中小企业发展的瓶颈,尤其全球金融危机爆发以来,融资问题更是成了中小企业生存发展的瓶颈。解决中小企业融资难的问题,需要政府大胆借鉴国外经验,尽快完善并落实各项针对中小企业的融资支持措施,建立中小企业的信用担保体系。 本文着重研究了中小企业融资的现状就如何改善中小企业融资现状、拓宽其融资渠道提出一些建议,来解决中小企业融资问题,加快中小企业的,促进国民经济的发展。中小企业 融资 [Abstract] Even though small and medium-sized enterprises play an irreplaceable role in Taizhous economic and social development, they are in the adverse postion with regard to financing. Financing constraints have become a bottleneck restricting the development of SMEs.The financing problem have even become a bottleneck for the survival and development of SMEs especially since the global financial crisis. To solve the problem of the financing difficulty, the government needs to bring in the experience from abroad ,improving and carrying out all kinds of supporting measures aimed at facilitating the development of SMEs and set up small and medium enterprise credit guarantee system. This research focuses on the current situation of small and medium enterprises financing in Taizhou and the problems in the process of financing .By analyzing the causes and solutions, this research try to explore ways to improve the status of SME financing and put forward suggestions in order to broaden financing channels so as to solve the financing problem of SMEs in Taizhou and eventually to speed up the development of SMEs and promote the development of Taizhous national economy. Keywords: Financial crisis Taizhou Medium and small enterprises Financing Countermeasures 目 录 一、引言 1 二、相关文献回顾 1 (一)中小企业涵义 1 (二)中小企业融资难的相关文献 2 1.企业内部因素 2 2.外部因素 2 (三)解决中小企业融资对策的相关文献 3 1.加强企业自身信用建设,树立良好的企业形象 3 2.合理利用自有资金 3 3.中小企业应当积极寻找新的融资渠道 3 4.政府要加大扶持力度,拓宽中小企业直接和间接融资渠道 3 三、台州中小企业融资现状 3 (一)金融危机前台州中小企业融资现状 3 (二)金融危机后台州中小企业融资现状 5 四、台州中小企业融资中存在的问题及主要原因 5 (一)台州中小企业融资中存在的问题 5 1.融资渠道单一,过分依赖内部融资,融资规模有限 5 2.企业融资成本高 6 3.银行与中小企业间存在着较严重的信息不对称 6 (二)台州中小


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