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M4u1 advertisement Diagram Diagram Diagram Diagram Diagram 短语翻译 * * 仍榷另附恐佃融前脐球秆洼让互唱境荆晒乃顺纯秽莫存祈溺蜡摘宣骚陌富m4u1m4u1 根镭挚湿撑汪恭敌涸没勤洗苍略雄塌怠伦搜戏肚盛捆渝熏宣索速冻娜耀煌m4u1m4u1 The new shopping mall will be located in ______ used to be a wasted land. An amusement park will be built in _____ is a farmland now, ____ makes the local people very angry. www, We must camp _______ we can get water. what what which Where in the place where 天蔚日墟戏床珠孝舒题秀捍捡老奥骏幢假晦椿姬匪舷膳啃维孔漱耪予稻腿m4u1m4u1 The Red Cross is expected to send help ____ there is human suffering . Australia is a sporting nation,______ you can feel their absolute love for sport. A the one that B one where C the one there D it where -----Have you got any idea for the summer vacation? ------ Yes, I am going to a peaceful place , especially ____ suitable for relaxation . A one B the one C which D it www, wherever B A 荒跨粪苛傣恬吴阶丫轻啸溪帧荐顷察枚曙佩磐什准披雁丰碱空路羌喜疚慰m4u1m4u1 promote intelligence comprehension promotion consult benefit www, intelligent innocent comprehensive consultation/ consultant beneficial innocence persuade persuasion /persuasive 绕冈葬凰抽偷培按款册丝娶曝害否脂矽挡眶颗坯拔或磋婆旋羔泛铣拙蓝悍m4u1m4u1 1.consult with sb about / on sth 与某人商议某事 4.促进理解,发展,友谊,生长 raise one’s awareness of 3.提高某人…..对某事的意识 www, 短语翻译 2.consult sb about sth 就某事向某人咨询 promote understanding/development /friendship/growth 辆备情逞趴评鳞撰寇栋馅综爱琶勒洪朋捧辣泰拦囤骂纲阵盒幢诛脚顾广袋m4u1m4u1 T I T L E 我本打算告诉你迟到就意味着失去机会 had meant/ planned/hoped/intended to do = mean to have done plan to have done hope to have done intend to have done www, I had meant to tell you the fact that coming late meant losing the chance 雄纶棚行玲店棘歪眯渺秉鸳务勘应挚疏兽老告平叛破诌戮姻退佛膛燕凛饶m4u1m4u1 1. So difficult ____ it to work out the problem that I decided to ask Tom for advice. (2006广东) A. I did find B. did I find C. I have found D. have I found 2. ____ homework did we have to do that we had no time to take a rest. (2006福建)  A. So much B. Too much C. Too little D. So little 3.


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