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外文翻译 题  目 离心泵 学生姓名   冯涛 专业名称 机械设计制造及其自动化 指导教师   史革盟 2012 年5月18日 Centrifugal pump The concept of centrifugal Centrifugal inertia is the performance of an object, such as umbrellas on the water droplets, when the umbrella slowly rotating, the water droplets will follow the umbrella rotation, because the umbrella and the friction of water droplets to drop as the centripetal force of shiran. However, if the umbrella rotation speed, the friction enough to make water droplets in a circular motion, then drop the sport from the umbrella to the outer edge, like a rope pulling the stones to do with circular motion, if the speed is too fast, the rope will disconnect, stones will be flying out. This is the so-called centrifugal. Centrifugal pump is designed according to this theory, high-speed rotation of the impeller blades rotate driven water, throw water, so as to achieve the purpose of transportation. Good variety of centrifugal pumps, from the use can be divided into civil and industrial pumps; from the transmission medium can be divided into clear water pump, trash pump, corrosion pump and so on.    Basic structure centrifugal pump Basic structure of the centrifugal pump is composed of six parts, namely: impeller, shaft, bearings, seal rings, stuffing box. 1 centrifugal impeller is a core component of its speed and high output force, the impeller blade has played a major role in the assembly before the impeller by static test. Impeller on the inside and outside surfaces required to be smooth to reduce flow friction loss. 2, pump, also known as the pump casing, which is the main water pump. Play a role in supporting fixed, and with the installation of the bearing bracket connected. 3, pump shaft and motor function is connected by coupling, the motor torque transmission impeller, it is the transfer of mechanical energy of the main components. 4, the bearing is set on the support shaft in th


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