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Who swims faster ,you or your father ? Who gets up earlier , your father or your mother ? Unit 2 More exercise Life time: Are you good at PE ? Do you run fast ? 擅长于… Who runs faster than you in our class? …… does. run fast jump high swim fast get up early run faster jump higher get up earlier swim faster Life time: Who runs faster ,you or LiuXiang ? Who jumps higher , you or your cousin ? Liu xiang does. My cousin does. I do. Dialogue time: Does he do well in PE? What is he good at ? Does he want to do better ? No, he doesn’t. He is good at English and Maths. Yes, he does. But he does not know how. Jim is good at English and Maths, but he does not do well in PE. He wants to do better but does not know how. He is talking to his dad about it. What’s Jim’s problem with PE? A: He can’t run as fast as Ben and Mike. C:His friends swim faster than him. B:He can’t jump higher than some of the boys. Jim: Dad, I’m not happy. Dad:What’s the matter? Do you need help with your homework? Jim:No, I’m not doing well in PE. Ben runs faster than me. He is strong.Mike runs as fast as Ben, and he’s a good football player, too. Dad:But I think you jump very high. Jim:That’s ture. I jump higher than some of the boys in my class. Dad:And you can swim fast. Jim:Yes, but my friends swim faster than me. Dad:Don’t worry. Do more exercise. You’ll get stronger, and you’ll do better in PE. Jim:Yes, Dad. I’ll get up earlier every day and do some exercise before I go to school. Dad:That’s a good idea. Jim:I can jog to school in the morning and play ball games after school. I’ll get stronger soon. F Jim’s dad is telling Jim’s mum about his conversation with jim. Read the sentences below.Write T if the sentences is true. Write F if the sentences is false. Jim is as strong as the other boys. Ben runs faster than Jim. Jim jumps higher than some of the boys. Jim swims faster than his friends. Jim wants


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