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高考英语“读写任务”解题技巧 一、能力要求 “读写任务”型写作对考生的概括能力、逻辑思维能力和信息组织能力都提出了较高的要求。要求考生首先要读懂阅读材料,并简洁地概括材料内容。这一部分对考生而言,找准文章的主题句与关键词尤为重要。第二部分则要求衔接自然,主题明确,观点鲜明,表达连贯,结构完整。 二、现状浅析 从高考的情况来看,“读写任务”的低分段人数较多,全省平均分也较低。其原因主要有二:一是考生缺乏针对性的训练,缺乏提炼主题的能力和技巧,无法用简洁的语言概括短文的内容要点;二是考生阐述观点时,有时出现离题现象,如“道谢”写成“道歉”,或题目要求用实例阐述观点时缺乏实例;有时出现主题不明确,结构混乱,观点前后不一致,论据无力,虎头蛇尾等现象。 三、解题技巧 概括部分记叙文记叙文体的阅读材料,在写概要,除主题外,还应抓住六要素:whenwhere, who, what, why, how。在这六个要素中,所占内容比重最大的是what,考生最容易犯的错误就是把what写得详细。一般来说,记叙文的故事概要可以这样的模板Who did what by…because… 当然,不是说每个故事概要都包含how 或why,有时两者选其一即可。下文是课堂训练的一个例子阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。 I took a trip to a big lake in Indonesia with my family two years ago. It was really a huge lake with beautiful scenery all around. People were amazed by the endless view in front of our eyes. Later on, unlike other girls, I volunteered to go water-skiing alone. I put on the life jacket, got on the motorboat immediately and started my engine as soon as possible. The lake seemed broad and endless. I was so thrilled(激动) to enjoy my trip among the mountains and waters that I sped my motorboat. Then, after some time, I found myself in the middle of the endless lake. A sudden fear came around me. I didn’t know where I was or even how far I had gone from the shore. What was worse, it began to rain and it became very cold and foggy. I rode everywhere but couldn’t find my way back. It was useless for me to cry or shout for help. I was so terrified that I began to think about all kinds of horrible things. After floating on the water helplessly and hopelessly for a long time, suddenly I heard someone calling my name. Soon, a big steamboat sailed to me and they pulled me up to the deck and asked me if I was hurt. I couldn’t say a word but cried out in my father’s arms. [写作内容以约30个词概括该短文的以约120个词写一篇记叙文,描写你或你的朋友一次迷路或历险的经历,包括以下要点::根据写作内容中的第点,这是一篇要求写迷路或历险经历的记叙文。那么,阅读材料应该也是类似的内容或故事情节。所以,首先我们先找出记叙文的六要素:When—two years ago Where—a trip to a big lake in Indonesia Who—“I”, the writer What—got lost; was found Why —go


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