C-Object-Oriented C Sharp.ppt

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C-Object-Oriented C Sharp

Chapter2 : C# Language | Object-Oriented C# Objected-Oriented C# MaoQiang Xie College of Software, Nankai University Outline Inheritance Polymorphism Abstract class and Sealed Class Operator’s Overloading Boxing and Unboxing Struct Interface 1- Features of OO Class, Instance, Object Encapsulate, Inheritance, Polymorphism Key problem: 如何让高效开发更具规范性,使其在大规模软件开发上发挥应有作用 OO不是唯一方法,IBM IFW,E-R。在解决大规模问题的时候,从对象角度出发可降低系统间各部分的耦合。 1- Encapsulate 完美是不是没什么好添加的,而实在没什么好去处的时候。用OO描述事务的顶峰就是机器把自己完全隐藏了。[Windows消息机制、不用洗衣粉的洗衣机] 封装更多是一种思想,语言或工具只能提供给你帮助[MSDN-POP3] 换一个词语“抽象”,可将思想或对象的不必要的部分去除,只保留精华的最小部分——最小相关性准则 1- Experiment 仿照MFC,为按钮、对话框、滚动条构建类,为上述窗口提供绘制UpdateWindows和位姿功能ResizeWindow。 目的: 1.了解你们的封装能力 2. 继承起了哪些作用? 2- Sample of Polymorphism 1- Experiment 1- Inheritance The other means to encapsulate. Inheritance might be thought as vertical encapsulation, if using the other class members by instantiating the class is looked as horizon. Where should inheritance be used? 1- Comparison 1/2 In C++ class CBase { private: int m_iMem; protected: int m_iProtected; public: int m_iPublic; } 1- Comparison 2/2 In C# public/internal class CBase { private int m_iMem; protected int m_iProtected; public int m_iPublic; } 1- Call ctor. of base class implicitly public URL(string name) : base(name) { } A derived class implicitly contains all members of its direct base class, except for the instance constructors, static constructors, and destructors of the base class 1- Inheritance Classes support single inheritance, and the type object is the ultimate base class for all classes. The classes shown in earlier examples all implicitly derive from object. 1- Inheritance(Conversion) 1/2 Upcast Location l = u; Downcast URL u = (URL)l; Exception System.InvalidCastException 1- Inheritance(Conversion) 2/2 Operator “as” u = l as URL; Operator “is” if (l is URL) ((URL)l).Navigate(); 1- New a method public class URL : Location { public new void Display() { Console.WriteLine(“haha!!!”); } }


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