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1-1 The Center for Media Research recently released a report about blogs. It says all studies agree that blogs are popular around the world. One study found that more than one hundred eighty million people around the world have started a blog. And more than three hundred forty million people around the world read blogs. Another study found bloggers in sixty-six countries on six continents. It found blogs in eighty-one languages. People in many professions, including the entertainment industry and news organizations, are writing blogs. VOA writers are among them. Alex Belinda is the chief writer of the VOA news blog. He discusses issues of freedom of the press and VOA programming. He also answers questions, comments and criticism from the public. On a recent blog, Mister Belinda wrote about VOA’s rules demanding accuracy and objectivity. He wrote that VOA rules state that VOA reporters “do not speak for the United States government.” He also wrote that the idea that any government agency can tell VOA what to say is false. 1-2 Weddings in America are often big, complex and costly events. Usually a religious leader or judge performs the marriage ceremony. But now people can choose a friend or family member to perform the ceremony. That person can become an official marriage officiant online through some unusual Web sites. One Web site is called Church of the Latter-Day Dude. Its members do not believe in telling people what to do, In fact, they do not believe in doing much at all. But they are happy to provide people with a “certificate of ordination.” The Web site says the document legally permits a person to perform a wedding ceremony in most states. But it also says a person should check with the local government to see if this is permitted. Other Web sites offering free and immediate ordination services include the Universal Life Church Monastery and the Church of Spiritual Humanism, The Universal Life Church says it welcom


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