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M1 Unit 1 Project Developing an ad campaign 遂辛碳烈盾搪寺利锨遂姆揉映环蜀谎祸力返伪郑久螟恶掐耘却凰樊列按医M4U1ProjectM4U1Project Two main types of advertisements ? commercial ads PSAs Step one: Lead in educate people about health, safety, or any other problem that affects public welfare promote products or service An ad campaign ? 静查月沃恃淹曳符比兽蒸渊绳谣瞎惰锭敖遗沾沽桐眷躯滞仑诺咎狐调缅掀M4U1ProjectM4U1Project Enjoy some ads Commercial ad My God! I have no home now! Public Service ad (PSA) 援贮展埋恿曙录舶凌厌盔椿额测涤件釉搔择醛楚媚庇么后蘑翁坐班蝎疯兔M4U1ProjectM4U1Project Enjoy some ads 鞭征漱褐剁桥羚管津凉凹谷妻倍蚕钥含矫侵坪腮摇屹藕帘峡酵芥酪尽郑倪M4U1ProjectM4U1Project An ad campaign ? An ad campaign is a planned programme of advertisements using various kinds of ads to reach a certain audience. How to build an ad campaign? 鲸检阁侈锰临讹填栗辰现根淘濒耿滔帕图瞄通宽川乡忌壕呢上汝夷脆殉捞M4U1ProjectM4U1Project How do you build an ad campaign Step two: Read for understanding 试毖膛怕朴摊渴记凉食渡膏新秉侄汾掺校宵枷阴隋井沪船褒硬阜矫堂街懒M4U1ProjectM4U1Project How to start a successful ad campaign? You must _________________________________________, figure out exactly____________________________ and ___________________________________ You may need to employ different kinds of media, including__________________________________________________________. have a clear aim and an audience in mind what you want to tell the audience what you are trying to get them to do posters, newspapers, magazines, radio and television. Ⅰ Questions 网岔橙捷盯渣颅耳观洒沫谣旺莲师贡擂今诵金最累擒煎汞恋窍遮并伯椎转M4U1ProjectM4U1Project Before building an ad campaign, we need to consider three major questions first: 1. Who is the audience for your ad campaign? How to determine your audience? to do a little research and analysis in advance to explore what the audience already thinks 2.What do you want your ad campaign to say? 3.How do you reach your audience? 阿稳矗然脾竭叮便绸看书蛆腹振掷估渐损抚停立锈固挚东租稀礁另葛寸级M4U1ProjectM4U1Project 2.What do you want your ad campaign to say? It’s time to decide___________________________ ___________________ . And you may consider the following que


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