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本科毕业设计说明书 二O O八 年 六 月 摘 要 随着物流业在中国的蓬勃发展及物流市场的激烈竞争,现代物流管理逐步从定性转变为更精确的定量要求,这需要提供大量准确、及时的数据信息以帮助管理者做出正确的决策。传统的物流企业使用人工和各类表格来记录出库、入、调配等数据,在统计资料时耗时耗力,准确度也比较低,常造成错误的信息,这对于处在激烈市场竞争中的企业来说往往是致命的。而随着计算机以及网络技术的普及,利用计算机技术的现代管理系统对公司部门、员工、仓储、调配等重要环节进行数字化管理,可以随时提取需要的各类信息、数据,并准确地完成其统计功能;既提高了工作效率也及时地为企业各管理层提供信息来掌握市场动态,为企业在竞争中取得先机。因此物流系统成为现在物流企业管理中不可缺少的重要工具之一。本系统主要实现以下功能模块:用户管理模块(包括用户登录、用户注册、以及用户信息的维护)、购物车管理模块(包括添加物品、更新购物车数量、删除购物车中的物品等功能)、订单管理模块(包括查看订单和删除订单),此外在管理员管理模块上(包括对仓库的管理、订单管理以及客户信息管理上都有一些实现)。管理员还可以进行注销用户操作。 仓储管理系统是典型的管理信息系统,其内容对于企业的决策者和管理者来说都至关重要。本系统采用STRUTS/Hibernate框架,大型oracle数据库技术,实现了基于B/S模式的物流仓储调度系统。 关键词:物流仓储调度系统;B/S模式;STRUTS;Hibernate Abstract With the intensive competition of the market, the logic management method has been being transformed from the traditional fixed one to the kind with more flexibility. Accurate and new data is needed to help managers make right decisions. Traditional management usually wastes time and labor, because the data of in/out warehouse and vehicles is recorded by hand, which is of low accuracy, and sometimes even wrong. This may be fatal for a company in severel competition. With the development of computer and network technology nowadays, the logic management method is changed. Because the information of ?the departments, staff, storage and vehicles can be stored in the computer, and it is convenient to pick up the data you want at any moment, with statistics function ; the management system can provide information for company ?managers at all level, and help them lead the company to take the priority chances in the competitions. So the logic management system is important for a logic company. This system is mainly the following modules: user management module (including user login, the user registration and the maintenance of user information), shopping cart management module (including adding items to update shopping cart number, delete the shopping cart items. Function), order manage


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