EIA-364-31C 耐湿性能测试.pdf

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EIA-364-31C 耐湿性能测试

υ H o ˉ 寸 ∽ Θ ? H 臼 ^NWE△ A-36亻 JΙ Cˉ9,,J 彳Pprov召JJ Nove仞 拓2J,2,Jε EIA sTANDARD TPˉ31C HUMIDITY TEsT PROCEDURE FOR ELECTRICAL CONNECTORs AND soCKETs EIAo364ˉ31C (Rev:sio。 oF EIAˇ 3mˉaIB) NOVEMBER2008 E1A standards Electronic Components A$socia侦 on NOTlCE ElA Engineering standards and PubⅡ cations are designed to serve thθ ρubc interest through enninating misunderstandings beMeen manufacturers and purchasers, facⅡ itating interchangeabⅡ ity and improVement of pr° ducts`and assisting the purchaser in seleding and obtaining with minimum delay the pr° ρer ρroductfor his paicular need E× istence of such standards and PubⅡ cations sha not in any respect ρrecIude any mθ mber or nonmember of ElA from manufactung or seⅢ ng products not∞ nformIng to such standards and Pubcations, nor sha the e× istence of such standards and Pvbca刂ons ρrecIude their VoluntaIγ use by those otherthan ElA members,whether the standard is to be used either domesticay or丨 nternatlonay standards and PubⅡcations are adoρ ted by El/\ in aocordance With the Ame● can Na1onal standards lnsutute(ANsI)ρ ate冂 tρ0Cy By such action,ElA does not assume anyaby to any patent owneΓ ,noΓ does丨t assume any obⅡ gation whateˇ er to ρarties adoρting the standard or PubⅡ cation This ElA standard is considered to haˇ e International standardiza刂 on imρ ca刂 on, bvt the 丨nternationaI Electrotechn|ca| Comm|ssion aotivity has not ρrogressed to thθ point Where a a?Ⅱ d comρ arIson beMeen the ElA standard and the lEC document∞ n be made Th|s standard doθs not purp° d to address asafety ρrobIems associated withs use or aⅡ appⅡ cable regulatory requ″ ements is the responsibity of the user of this standard t° estabⅡ sh aρρropHate safety and health ρraCtiCes and to determine the apρ liCabity of regulatory丨 imitatlons befoΓ e its use (From standards Proρ osal No 5150forrnulated under the cognizance of the CEˉ 20 Na刂onal Connθ cors standards commi仗 ee 卩u0″shed oy; ◎ELECTRONlC COMP0NENTs AssoCIATlON2008 ElA standards and Technolog


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