Elasticity-driven Nanoscale Texturing in Complex Electronic Materials.pdf

Elasticity-driven Nanoscale Texturing in Complex Electronic Materials.pdf

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Elasticity-driven Nanoscale Texturing in Complex Electronic Materials

a r X i v : c o n d - m a t / 0 3 0 4 1 9 8 v 1 [ c o n d - m a t .m t r l - s c i ] 8 A p r 2 0 0 3 Europhysics Letters PREPRINT Elasticity-driven Nanoscale Texturing in Complex Electronic Materials A.R. Bishop1 T. Lookman1, A. Saxena1 and S.R. Shenoy2 1 Theoretical Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos,NM, 87544 USA 2 International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste 34014, Italy PACS. 71.38.-k – . PACS. 75.47.Gk – . PACS. 74.72.-h – . Abstract. – Finescale probes of many complex electronic materials have revealed a non- uniform nanoworld of sign-varying textures in strain, charge and magnetization, forming me- andering ribbons, stripe segments or droplets. We introduce and simulate a Ginzburg-Landau model for a structural transition, with strains coupling to charge and magnetization. Charge doping acts as a local stress that deforms surrounding unit cells without generating defects. This seemingly innocuous constraint of elastic ‘compatibility’, in fact induces crucial anisotropic long-range forces of unit-cell discrete symmetry, that interweave opposite-sign competing strains to produce polaronic elasto-magnetic textures in the composite variables. Simulations with ran- dom local doping below the solid-solid transformation temperature reveal rich multiscale textur- ing from induced elastic fields: nanoscale phase separation, mesoscale intrinsic inhomogeneities, textural cross-coupling to external stress and magnetic field, and temperature-dependent per- colation. We describe how this composite textured polaron concept can be valuable for doped manganites, cuprates and other complex electronic materials. High resolution microscopies of many classes of complex electronic materials such as cuprates, manganites, ferroelastic martensites, and relaxor ferroelectric titanates [1, 2, 3, 4] have revealed previously unsuspected, and puzzling, multiscale modulations of charge, spin, polarization and strain variables in stripe- or droplet-like pat


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