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深圳速锐得科技有限公司 ISO-15031-5所有PID检测支持列表 ISO-15031-5 所有的PID 检测支持列表 PID Data bytes retur Description Min value Max value Units Formula[a] (hex) 0 4 PIDs supported [01 - 20] Bit encoded [A7..D0] == [PID $01..PID $20]? 1 4 Monitor status since DTCs cleared. (Includes malfunction indicator lamp (MIL) status and number of DTCs.) Bit encoded.? 2 2 Freeze DTC 3 2 Fuel system status Bit encoded.? 4 1 Calculated engine load value 0 100 ?% A*100/255 5 1 Engine coolant temperature -40 215 °C A-40 6 1 Short term fuel?% trim—Bank 1 -100 Subtracting Fuel (Rich Condition) 99.22 Adding Fuel (Lean Condition) ?% (A-128) * 100/128 7 1 Long term fuel?% trim—Bank 1 -100 Subtracting Fuel (Rich Condition) 99.22 Adding Fuel (Lean Condition) ?% (A-128) * 100/128 8 1 Short term fuel?% trim—Bank 2 -100 Subtracting Fuel (Rich Condition) 99.22 Adding Fuel (Lean Condition) ?% (A-128) * 100/128 9 1 Long term fuel?% trim—Bank 2 -100 Subtracting Fuel (Rich Condition) 99.22 Adding Fuel (Lean Condition) ?% (A-128) * 100/128 0A 1 Fuel pressure 0 765 kPa (gauge ) A*3 0B 1 Intake manifold absolute pressure 0 255 kPa (absol ute) A 0C 2 Engine RPM 0 16,383.75 rpm ((A*256)+B)/4 0D 1 Vehicle speed 0 255 km/h A 0E 1 Timing advance -64 63.5 ° relati ve to #1 cylind er (A-128)/2 0F 1 Intake air temperature -40 215 °C A-40 10 2 MAF air flow rate 0 655.35 grams/ sec ((A*256)+B) / 100 11 1 Throttle position 0 100 ?% A*100/255 第 1 页,共 8 页 深圳速锐得科技有限公司 ISO-15031-5所有PID检测支持列表 12 1 Commanded secondary air status Bit encoded.? 13 1 Oxygen sensors present [A0..A3] == Bank 1, Sensors 1-4. [A4..A7] == Bank 2... 14 2 Bank 1, Sensor 1: Volts A/200 Oxygen sensor voltage, 0 1.275 % (B-128) * 100/128 (if B==$FF, sensor is not used in trim calc) Short term fuel trim -100(lean) 99.2(rich) 15 2 Bank 1, Sensor 2: Volts A/200 Oxygen sensor voltage, 0 1.275 % (B-128) * 100/128 (if B==$FF, sensor is not used in trim calc) Short term fuel trim -100(lean) 99.2(rich) 16 2 Bank 1, Sensor 3:


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