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Levi Strauss Company by group 3 Jeans The founder of jeans Born Levi`s Strauss February 26, 1829 Buttenheim, Bavaria, German Confederation Died September 26, 1902 (aged?73) San Francisco, California, U.S. Known?for Founded the first company to manufacture blue jeans, known as Levi Strauss Co. Speaking of jeans, it is natural to think that the U.S. gold rush in 1849, when the first immigrants set foot on the U.S. mainland, they can say is poor and white, they had to work hard. Strong labor makes clothes easy to wear, especially in the 1849 influx of miners rush to California, formed when the famous gold rush. As the cloth is very easy to break, people eager to have a wear clothes in this context, a solid, durable jeans came into being. 说起牛仔裤,人们自然会想起1849年美国那次淘金潮,当时第一批踏上美国大陆的移民,他们可以说是一穷二白,他们不得不拼命的工作。强烈的劳动使得衣服极易磨损,特别是在1849年矿工们一窝蜂涌进加利福尼亚州,形成了当时著名的淘金潮。由于衣料非常容易破损,人们迫切希望有一种耐穿的衣服在这种背景下,坚实、耐用的牛仔裤应运而生。 Levi Strauss is recognized as the inventor of jeans. In 1850, the company he founded Levi `s the production of 501 jeans is known around the world originator of the jeans. 30 mid-western agricultural areas in the U.S., almost everyone wore jeans for the first time was taken to the bustling city east of the Mississippi, from jeans, stepped into the ranks of popular clothing. 利维 斯特劳斯(Levi Strauss)被公认为是牛仔裤的发明者。 1850年,他所创立的利维公司(Levi`s)生产的501牛仔裤就是世人所知的牛仔裤的鼻祖了。30年代中期 ,在美国中西部农业地带几乎人人都穿的牛仔裤第一次被带到密西西比河以东的繁华都市,从此牛仔裤开始步入流行服装的行列。 During World War II, the U.S. authorities designated as military uniforms jeans, jeans with a large number of deep heart of Europe the Allies. After the war the soldiers returned to the United States, a large number of accumulated jeans for sale on the ground because of this trousers beautiful, practical, durable, but also cheap, so popular in the local. So the local clothing manufacturers in Europe have to emulate the original American goo


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